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单词 copy


1. specimen of penmanship to be copied 习字帖。
△2H.VI.4.2.99(88):“We took him setting of boys’copies.”i.e. teaching boys to write. (The villageclerk was often a schoolmaster.)我们抓住他的时候,他正给孩子们写习字帖。
2. example,pattern,original model榜样,典范,原型。
△2H.IV.2.3.31:“He was the mark and glass,copyand book,”他成了指南和明镜,典范和蓝本。
△H.V.3.1.24: “Be copy now to men of grosser blood,/ Andteach them how to war.”你们要给那些出身低微的人们做个榜样,教导他们怎样打仗。
3. facsimile,counterpart摹本,副本。
△Tw.1.5.263(243):“And leave the world no copy.”i.e. leave nochild to inherit your beauties. 不给人间留下一个副本。
4. copyhold,lease which has its time of terminationlimited登录不动产保有权,租期有限的契约。
△Mac.3.238:“But in them nature’s copy’s not eterne.” 可是他们的生命的契约并不是永久的。(按: copy又解为mould,im-age,“模型”,“形象”,指“人”。)
5. theme,subject主题,题目。
△Com.5.1.62:“thecopy of our conference.”i.e. the theme of our talk.我们谈话的题目。


◇copy after模仿(他人动作、画法)copy from临摹
copy in duplicate一式两份,复写两联
copy in triplicate复写三联
take a copy of复写
‖ copyholder n.公簿持有农,修改稿件,修改稿件
all copyright reserved版权所有
transfer of copyright版权转让
assignment of copyright版权转让
copier n.抄写者,模仿者,剽窃者
copies of the contract合同副本
copious writer多产作家
copy and print摹印
copy book字帖copy cat盲目的模仿者
copy chief总编辑
copy desk新闻编辑部
copy document副本单据
copy editor文字编辑
copy fitting定稿
copy from life写生
copy of a bill票据副本
copy of draft汇票副本
copy of reproduction 摹本
copy order订单副本
copy with leaves uncut毛边本
copy with pages uncut毛边本
examples of copy广告文案范例
copybook n.习字帖
copydesk n.编辑部,新闻编辑部
copyeditor n.文字编辑
copygraph n.油印机
Copyhold Act登录不动产保有权法
copying n.复制,复写,模仿
copying charge复印费
copying clerk誊写员
copying photographs复制照片copying speed复印速度
copyist n.抄写者,抄袭者
copymaker n.撰稿人
copymoney n.稿费,版税
copy-reader n.编辑
copyright n.版权,著作权
copyright case版权案件
copyright contracts版权合同
copyright infringement版权侵犯
copyright law版权法
copyright library版本图书馆
copyright mark版权标记
copyright notice版权记号
copyright page版权页
copyright performance版权演出
copyright protecting著作权保护
copyright registration版权登记
copyright reserved版权所有
copyright royalty版税,稿酬
Copyright Union of International国际版权联合会
copyright works版权作品
non-copyright plays无版权的剧本
copyrighted interview独家采访权
copyrighter n.版权所有人
copywriter n.(广告)撰稿人,广告文字撰稿人





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