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单词 rest


1. peace安静。
△Tw.5.1.137 (133):“To do yourest,” give you peace.使你安心。
2. peace of mind,repose of mind心平气和,内心宁静。
△Lr. 2. 4. 293 (290):“’Tis his own blame hath (= he
hath) put himself from rest,”这只怪他自己,他不要心平气和。
3. leisure空闲。
△Mac.1.4.44: “The rest is labour.which is not used for you.”不为陛下效劳,闲暇就成了苦役。4. easy living安逸。
△L.L.L.5.2. 822 (814):“To flat-ter up these powers of mine with rest,”贪图安逸,把我自己的身体娇养起来。
5. (term from gaming) last stake,final resolve,finaldetermination(赌博用语)最后赌注,最后决定,最后决心。
△H.V.2.1.17(16):“that is my rest.”这是我的最后决心。
△Mer.2.2.113 (103): “set up my rest”.i.e.made up my mind. 拿出最后的本钱,下了决心。
△2H.IV.22.25 (21):“the rest of the low countries”.其余的低地国家(双关:在下流地方的憩息)。


n. 2 other things,all others 其他事物,其他。
△1H.IV.1.3.47: “amongst the rest demanded / Myprisoners in your Majesty's behalf.”除了别的什么,他代表陛下索要我的俘虏。
above the rest: above all首先。
the rest,be gone.”最要紧的是,你走吧。


1. give rest or repose to使休息,使安息。
△Rom.1.3.18:“God rest all Christian souls!”上帝安息一切基督徒的灵魂!
△Mer.2.2.78:“God rest his soul!”上帝保佑他的灵魂得到安宁!
2. keep使…保持。
△As.5.1.66 (59):“God rest youmerry.” (a common Elizabethan form of farewell)i.e. God keep you merry; God continue happiness toyou. (伊利莎白时代告别用语)上帝给你幸福。
rest you fair: God keep you merry (a salutation inmeeting).上帝保佑你(见面招呼语)。
△Mer.1.3.60(59):“Rest you fair,good signior.”上帝保佑你,好先生。rest you merry: (form of salutation at parting) Godgive you happiness. God keep you merry. Goodbye.上帝保佑您快乐。再见。
△Rom.1.2.65 (62): “Ye sayhonestly,rest you merry.” (The servant understandshim to mean he knows neither letters nor languageand cannot read. so bids him farewell.) 你说的倒是实话。再见。
~v i.
1. take rest,cease,stop,argue no further休息,停止,不再说了。
△As.3.2.73 (70): “You have too courtly awit for me,I'll rest.”你的机智太高雅了,我比不了;我不说了。
let ... rest: let .. be,leave ... for the moment 让…去吧,暂时不必管…
△R.III.3.1.157:“Well,let themrest.”暂时不必管他们。
2. lie存在。
rest in: lie in the power of在…的力量范围之内。
△3H.VI.3.2.45: “What you command that rests inme to do.”只要在我力所能及的范围内,都听凭你的吩咐。
3. remain,continue to be保持不变,继续(是,做)。
△As1.2.303 (286): “I rest much bounden to you;”我(仍然)非常感激您。
△As.3.2.75 (71): “Wilt thou restdamned?”你就甘心下地狱吗? (按: Touchstone利用rest的另一个意思remain来反驳Corino。)
△Wiv.4.6.34:“Now,thus it rests:”现在.事情是这个样子。
△Wiv.4.6.49 (48):“And here it rests,”事情就是这样。
△1H.VI.4.1.121: “Nay,let it rest where it began at first.”i.e.let the quarrel remain with me and Basset,who beganit. 不,争吵是由我们开始的,还是保持当初的状态吧。(按:意指还是由他们两个家臣自己去决斗。)
△1H.VI.5.5.94: “Begone,I say,for till you do return,/ I rest perplexedwith a thousand cares.”去吧,在你回来之前,我会思虑万千、一直困惑不安的。
△3H.VI.4.2.7:“I hold itcowardice / To rest distrustful where a noble heart /Hath pawned an open hand in sign of love.”一位心地高贵的人,真诚而无保留地伸出手来作为友好的表示,倘若还对他怀疑不止,我认为那是怯懦。
△H.VIII.5.1.55:“Many goodnights,my lord; I rest your servant.”祝你晚安,大人;我永远是你的仆人。
△R.III.4.2.84 (85): “Well,let thatrest.”好,就那么着吧。
4. remain to be done有待去做。
△Ham.3.3.64:“What then? what rests?” 怎么好? 还有什么办法呢?
△3H.VI.4.2.13:“And now what rests but.”现在要做的只有这件事了…。
5. remain,be left剩下,留下。
△Shr.1.1.248 (246):“One thing more rests”.还有一件事。
△1H.VI.2.5.91:“Thus the Mortimers. / In whom the title rested, were suppressed.”这么一来,继承有王位权利的摩提默家族就被镇压下去了。
△2H.VI.1.3.95 (92):“So let her rest.”i.e. think no more about her; so much for her. 因此就把她放在一边吧。
△3H.VI.1.2.44:“While you are thusemployed,what resteth more / But that I seek occa-sion how to rise,”当你们去办这些事的时候,除了我待机而动之外,剩下还有别的什么事情要做呢?
△3H.VI.5.7.42:“And now what rests but that we spend the time /With stately triumphs. mirthful comic shows.”现在剩下要做的事就只有以盛大的欢庆和愉快的滑稽表演来消磨时间了。rest for (one): remain for (one) to do留待…做的只有。
△1H.VI.1.3.70 :“Nought rests for me in this tumul-tuous strife / But to make open proclamation.”这样喧闹争斗,我实在没有别的办法了,只好公开宣告吧。
let that rest: leave it alone,i.e.let that be my busi-ness且放在一边,(意即)待我以后再说。
△1H.VI.2.5.118:“Well,I will lock his counsel in my breast,/ Andwhat I do imagine,let that rest.”好,我把他的忠告锁在心里,我计划的事以后再说。
6. stay停留。
△3H.VI.4.3.9:“But say,I pray,whatnobleman is that / That (i.e. which) with the Kinghere resteth in his tent?”但是请问,是哪一位贵族同国王一起留在他这个帐篷里?
△3H.VI.4.4.33:“There shall Irest secure from force and fraud.”待在那里我可以免受暴力和背叛的伤害。


n.休息,休止,结算期,休止符,支座,支架 v.休息,依靠,静止,停止,盈余,盘货和结算
◇above the rest特别,格外
among the rest在其中
and all the rest以及其他一切
as to the rest至于其他方面
bring to rest停下
for the rest至于其他
let sth. rest把某事停下来
set at rest使放心,确信
rest assured of对…放心
rest easy高枕无忧
rest in oneself依靠自己
rest on=rest upon建筑在…之上,满足于,依靠,寄托于
rest on one’s oars停止划桨
rest on one’s laurels吃老本,满足于已有成绩
rest satisfied with对…心满意足
rest with由…负责,归于,在于,取决于
‖arm rest扶手,拾音器臂架
back rest靠背,后梁
for the rest盈余
hand rest扶手
rest change with half turn支撑摆动中转体180。rest day休息日
rest house休养所
rest in peace安息
rest interval训练间歇
rest ledge池壁上的休息台
rest on one’s laurels吃老本
rest period(比赛)休息时间
rest support卧撑
restful adj. 宁静的
the rest is to be paid in cash余额以现金支付
tripod rest三脚架
resting arm滑行臂
resting blood pressure安静血压
resting guard休息姿势
resting heart rate安静心率
restless adj.没休息的,不安的
restlesseness n.不安,慌张





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