释义 |
有yǒuⅠ ❶ (表示领有或具有) have; possess: 属于全民所 ~ belong to the whole people; ~ 百利而无一弊 have every advantage and no drawback; 每家至少 ~ 3头奶牛。 Each family possesses at least three milk cows. 人民群众 ~ 无限的创造力。 The masses have boundless creative power. 他略微 ~ 些山东口音。 He has a slight Shandong accent. 她 ~ 热情, ~ 朝气。 She is full of vigour and enthusiasm. 我 ~ 一个弟弟。 I have a younger brother. 这个国家 ~ 丰富的矿产资源。 The country possesses rich mineral resources. ❷ (表示存在) there is; exist: 还 ~ 许多工作要做。 Much still remains to be done. 火星上 ~ 生命吗? Does life exist on Mars? 教室里 ~ 30名学生。 There are thirty students in the classroom. 屋里 ~ 人吗? Is there anyone in the room? 许多东西里 ~ 盐分。 Salt exists in many things. 这座位 ~ 人吗? Is this seat taken? ❸ (表示估量或比较): 水 ~ 3米多深。 The water is more than 3 metres deep. 他 ~ 他哥哥那么高。 He is as tall as his brother. 问题 ~ 那么严重吗? Is the problem that serious? ❹ (表示发生或出现): 一 ~ 问题就去解决 deal with a problem as soon as it crops up; 近几年来, 这一艺术 ~ 了新的跃进。 In the last few years, this art has made a big leap. 他的病 ~ 了好转。 His illness has taken a turn for the better. 小莉气喘吁吁地告诉我,“爷爷 ~ 病了。” “Grandpa's taken ill,” Xiao Li told me breathlessly. 形势 ~ 了很大的变化。 A great change has taken place in the situation. ❺ (表示多, 大): ~ 经验 be experienced; ~ 了年纪 be getting on in years; 他干这一行 ~ 年头了。 He has been doing this sort of work for years. 种菜看起来容易, 其实大 ~ 学问。 Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning. ❻ (泛指, 跟“某”的作用相近): ~ 人想见你。 Someone wants to see you. ~ 些事还需要商量。 Certain things are still open to discussion. ~ 一年春天这里风沙很大。 One spring it was very windy and dusty here. ❼ (用在“人、时候、地方”前面, 表示一部分): ~ 人说可以, ~ 人说不可以。 Some say yes, some say no. 这个措施 ~ 地方适用, ~ 地方不适用。 This mea ̄sure is suited to some localities, but not to others. 这里 ~ 时候也能热到39度。 The temperature here sometimes goes up to thirty-nine degrees centigrade. ❽ (用在某些动词的前面组成套语, 表示客气): ~ 劳费神 sorry to have put you to such bother; ~ 劳远迎。 I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 若 You Ruo 另见 see also yòu。 ◆有碍 be a hindrance to; get in way of; obstruct; 有碍观瞻 present an ugly [unpleasant] appearance; be an eyesore; be unsightly; offend the eye; 有把握 confident of success; 有板有眼 rhythmical; measured; orderly; systematic; 有保留 with a hook at the end; 有备无患 be prepared against want; Be prepared and you won't be sorry.; have a second string [two strings] to one's bow; If one is prepared, he will be safe.; Where there is precaution there will be no danger.; 有本领 capable; talented; resourceful; have sth. on the ball; 有槽 slotted; 有待 remain; await; 有得 what one has learned from work, study, etc.; 有的是 have plenty of; there's no lack of; 有底 know how things stand and feel confident of handling them; be fully prepared for what is coming; 有的放矢 shoot the arrow at the target — have a definite object in view; do sth. with a purpose; 有点儿 some; a little; somewhat; rather; a bit; 有毒 poisonous; venomous; deleterious; 有法可依 There are laws to abide by.; There must be laws for people to follow.; 有方 with the proper method; in the right way; 有分寸 having a sense of propriety; knowing how far to go and when to stop; 有功 have rendered great service; have performed meritorious service; 有功功率 active power; 有关 have sth. to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; be in [with] relation to; involve; have relations with; in the way of; in [with] regard to; be connected with; in connection with; be [get; keep] in with; 有光 glazed; {纺} bright; 有轨电车 tramcar; streetcar; 有鬼 There's sth. fishy.; 有过之[而]无不及 go even farther than; out do; go even beyond; far from falling below the mark, it is above it; no better than sb. in an evil doing; 有害 harmful; pernicious; detrimental; 有核红细胞 erythroblast; 有机 {化} organic; 有计划 in a planned way; according to plan; 有奖储蓄 deposit with lottery; prize-giving savings [deposits]; 有奖购物 lottery shopping; 有奖赛 stake; 有奖销售 prize-giving sale; sell goods with prize; 有教无类 make no social distinctions in teaching; provide education for all people without discrimination; With education there is no distinction between classes or races of men.; Proper education levels all social classes.; 有界 {数} bounded; 有救 can be saved; can be cured; 有旧 [书] used to be good friends; were on good terms in the past; 有孔虫 foraminifer; 有口皆碑 enjoy great popularity among the people; be praised by the people; be universally acclaimed; 有口难分[辩] find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain; 有口难言 unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; dare not to say; 有口无心 promise with no intention of doing; be sharp-tongued but not malicious; partial to speaking of others but with no bad intention; speak good words but be unsympathetic; say what one does not mean; say sharp things but cherish no malice; 有愧 devious; 有来有往 There is an exchange of calls [gifts].; give-and-take; reciprocal; two-way traffic; 有赖 depend on; rest on; 有劳 have troubled; 有理 reasonable; justified; in the right; {数} rational; 有礼貌 good form; courtesy; 有利 advantageous; beneficial; favourable; 有利必有弊 Everything has its advantages as well as disadvantages.; Advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages.; 有利可图 have good prospects of gain; be able to make some profits; profitable; stand to gain; There is money in it [that; this].; 有力 strong; powerful; forceful; energetic; vigorous; 有两下子 [口] One is really something.; One really knows a thing or two.;have real skill; know one's stuff; 有零 odd; 有门儿 [口] get the hang; find the beginning of a solution; be hopeful; 有名 well-known; famous; celebrated; 有名无实 exist [remain] in name only; appearance without reality; be merely nominal; enjoy an unwarranted reputation; Great cry and little wool.; in name but not in deed; in name (but) not in fact [reality]; titular; 有目共睹 be obvious to people; be obvious [clear] to all; be a universally recognized (fact, etc.); 有目共赏 win high praise from anyone who sees it; admired by everybody; Everyone enjoys and praises it.; Those who have eyes share appreciation — have a universal appeal.; 有奶便是娘 Whoever suckles me is my mother.; He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better pays.; lick the hand of anybody who throws one a few crumbs; obey anybody who feeds one; submit oneself to anyone who feeds one; ready to serve anyone for material benefit; 有年 [书] for years; 有盼儿 [方] become hopeful; 有谱儿 [口] have confidence; be sure; 有期徒刑 {律} set term of imprisonment; 有其父必有其子 Like father, like son.; a chip from the old block; Like begets like.; 有气无力 Breath is present but vigor is absent — feeble.; be in a low spirit; faint and weak; lifeless; weakly; 有钱 rich; wealthy; 有钱能使鬼推磨 If you have money, you can make the devil push the millstone for you.; It is a case of the longest purse.; Money makes the mare go.; 有情人终成眷属 The lovers finally got married.; All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.; 有顷 [书] after a while; 有求必应 give response to every prayer; All requests will be granted.; 有趣 interesting; fascinating; amusing; 有日子 for quite a few days; for days; have fixed a date; 有如 be just like; be like; 有色 coloured; 有神论 {宗} theism; 有声片 sound film; talkie; phonofilm; 有识之士 a person with breadth of vision; a man of insight; a scholar; far-sighted personage; 有史以来 since the beginning [dawn] of history; throughout history; 有事 be engaged; occupied; busy; when problems crop up; if sth. happens; 有恃无恐 have sth. secure to rely on; be emboldened by the support; fear nothing with sb. at his back; feel reassured and emboldened; 有数 a limited number; not many; only a few; know exactly how things stand; have a definite idea of what one's doing; 有司 [书] officials; 有所 to some extent; somewhat; 有蹄动物 ungulate; hoofed animals; 有天没日 speak insolently; make impertinent remarks; have no scruples in speaking; 有条不紊 everything in good order and well arranged; in perfect order; arranged in an orderly way; in applepie order; methodically; systematically; 有条件(的) conditional; 有头无尾 having a beginning but no end; a thing given up before it is finished; begin a thing but never finish it; begin well but fall off towards the close; leave sth. half done; start off but never finish; 有头有脸 respected; having fame and prestige; 有望 hopeful; 有为 promising; 有味儿 tasty; delicious; delightful; stink; 有限 limited; restricted; finite; a little; not much; 有线 wired; 有线广播 {电} wire broadcasting; wired radio; rediffusion on wire; 有向 directed; 有效 effective; valid; efficacious; 有效期 term of validity; period of validity; 有效索赔期限 the validity of a claim; 有些 some; somewhat; rather; 有心 have a mind to; set one's mind on; have the intention of; intend to; deliberately; purposely; 有心人 an observant and conscientious person; a person who sets his mind on doing sth. useful; a person with high aspirations and determination; 有形 tangible; visible; 有形资产 tangible assets; physical assets; 有性 sexuality; 有序 {物} {冶} order; 有血有肉 (of description in literary works, etc.) true to life; full of vivid details; vivid and substantial; 有眼光 have good taste; 有眼无珠 have eyes but fail to see; be as blind as a bat [a mole]; fail to recognize a thing for what it is; have a narrow vision; ignorant; unable to discriminate; 有一说一 speak the whole truth; call a spade a spade; speak the bold truth; speak one's conscience; tell the whole truth; 有意 have a mind to; be disposed to; be inclined to; intentionally; purposely; deliberately; 有意识 consciously; knowingly; wittingly; deliberately; purposely; 有意思 significant; meaningful; interesting; enjoyable; 有意无意 do sth. naturally or half unconsciously; consciously or unconsciou ̄ sly; either by design or accident; intentionally or unintentionally; wittingly or unwittingly; 有益 profitable; beneficial; useful; 有勇无谋 be more brave than wise; be bold get unskillful; bold but not crafty; foolhardy; 有用 useful; serviceable; 有余 have a surplus; have enough and to spare; odd; 有源 {电} active; 有缘千里来相会, 无缘对面不相识 As decreed by providence you have met him, otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a thousand li.; 有增无已 continue to increase; keep growing; mount without a stop; 有朝一日 some day; some day in the future; one day; if one day; if there'll be one day when; sooner or later; 有着 have; possess; there is; 有枝添叶 deliberately embellish the facts; add details of story; 有志者事竟成 Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.; A man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.; A willful man always has way.; Everything comes to him who wants.; 有志之士 a person of noble aspirations; a person with lofty ideals; 有助于 contribute to; be conducive to; conduce to; 有嘴无心 say what one does not mean; 有罪 culpability; guilt
有yòu [书] (表示整数之外再加零数) and: 三十 ~ 五 thirty-five; 十 ~ 五年 fifteen years 另见 see also yǒu。 |