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单词 义不容辞

义不容辞yì bù róng cí

be incumbent upon one(to do sth); be duty-bound; have an unshirkable duty; have the inescapable (/bounden) duty to;obligatory
❍ 抗日救国的总参谋部的职务,共产党是责无旁贷和~的。(《毛泽东选集》242) To function as the general staff in resisting Japan and saving the nation is a responsibility the Communist Party cannot relinquish,an obligation it cannot decline.
❍ 这当然是责无旁贷、~。(吴强《红日》419) It is of course a responsiblity that cannot be shirked,a public duty that admits of no excuse.
❍ 外交部长胡瑛,当然是~,立即拿起笔来,综合大家的意见,起草一道致汉口领事团的照会; …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—264) As the Director of Foreign Affairs,this seemed to be his duty,so Hu Ying at once took up a pen and wrote out a note addressed to the foreign consular corps in Hankou,embodying in it the points that had been discussed that day.
❍ 子敬有恩于玄德,其言必从; 且玄德既为东吴之婿,亦~。(《三国演义》494) They are good friends and Liu will certainly respond favourably.Besides,since Liu Bei and Sun Quan are now connected by marriage,there is no risk of refusal.


be duty-bound;have an unshirkable(or bounden) duty;act from a strong sense of duty
~的国际主义义务an unshirkable(or bounden)internationalist duty/~的责任unshirkable responsibility;it is incumbent upon sb to…

义不容辞yì bù rónɡ cí

义:道义,义务;容:允许。从道义上讲不容许推辞。have an unshirkable duty, duty-bound, be in duty, bound to do sth., obligatory





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