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单词 repair


1.approach,coming,arrival 临近,来临,到来。
△3H.VI.5.1.19: “Where slept our scouts,or how are theyseduced. / That we could hear no news of his repair?”我们的侦察兵到哪里睡觉去了,或者被人带错了路,否则我们怎么会对他的到来毫无消息?
△Ham.5.2.230 (217): “I willforestall their repair hither.”i.e. their coming here.我可以先去阻止他们别来。
2. resort群往,奔赴。
△L.L.L.2.1.238 (240):“All sen-ses to that sense did make their repair,”一切感官都要往


1. restore to sound condition,restore after decay 修复,修补。
△Oth.2.3.362 (353):“for whiles this honestfool / Plies Desdemona to repair his fortune,” 因为在这个老实的傻瓜去求苔丝狄蒙娜帮他挽回自己命运的时候。
2. mend修理。
△H.V. 2. 4. 7:“To line and new repairour towns of war”,去增援前方并且整修那些战略重镇的防务。
3. restore恢复。
△3H.VI.3.3.193: “And,to repairmy honour,lost for him,/ I here renounce him andreturn to Henry.”现在,为了恢复因他而失去的荣誉,我在这里声明抛弃他,回到亨利一边。
△ Shr.3.2.121.(118):“Could I repair what she will wear in me”,如果她将来所消耗掉的我的心血,我能恢复过来。
4. renew,revive,renovate使更新,使再生,使恢复活力。
△2H.VI. 5.3.4: “And,like a gallant in the brow ofyouth,/ Repairs him (i.e. himself) with occasion?”像一位风华正茂的勇士,由于有利的机会而重新焕发了青春。
△H.VIII.5.1.3: “times to repair our nature / Withcomforting repose,and not for us / To waste thesetimes.”这时候该用安适的睡眠来恢复体力,而不该浪费这些时
5. remedy,alleviate补救,减轻。
△Lr.4.1.77 (76):“And I’ll repair the misery thou dost bear / With
something rich about me.”我就把随身的一些值钱东西给你,以补偿你受到的困苦。
~ vi.
1. betake oneself,go,come赴,去,来。
△Ado.1.1.286(276):“repair to Leonato’s,” 请到里奥那托府上去。
△R.III.1.3.345 (344):“When you have done,repairto Crosby Place.”你们干罢了,就到克劳斯比宫。
2. go去。
△1H.VI.1.3.77 (76): “to repair to yourseveral dwelling-places,” 回到你们各自的住所。
△R.III.1.2.213 (212): “And presently repair to CrosbyHouse,”你立刻到克劳斯比宫去。
△ Gent.4.2.47 (46):“Love doth to her eyes repair,/To help him of hisblindness:”爱神跑到她的眼边去,去医疗他的一双瞎眼睛。
3. come来。
△Ham.4.6.23 (22):“Let the King havethe letters I have sent,and repair thou to me with asmuch speed as thou wouldest fly death.”让国王收到我送去的信,然后你就像逃命一般火速前来见我。
△Oth.3.2.4:“Repair there to me.”到那儿来见我。
△3H.VI.4.7.14:“By fair or foul means we must enter in,/ For hitherwill our friends repair to us.”不管用好的或歹的办法,我们一定要进去,因为我们的朋友们都要到这里来和我们相聚的。
4. return回来。
△L.L.L.5.2.293 (292): “and whenthey repair,/ Blow like sweet roses in this summerair.”等到他们回来,你们要像娇艳的玫瑰在夏日盛开。


v.& n.修理,修补,纠正
◇beyond repair无法修理
in good repair维修良好
out of(in bad) repair失修
‖ repair again sth.返修
repair and maintenance account修缮费账
repair bench修理台
repair capacity检修能力
repair charges修理费
repair cost修理成本
repair crew修理队
repair cycle检修周期
repair -dock修船坞
repair manual修理手册
repair of operating equipment运营设备检修
repair order修理单
repair parts配件
repair party维修队
repair room修理室
repair schedule检修计划
repair shop维修车间
repair station修理站,维修站,维护站
poorly repaired返修
repairs and outgoings allowance修理和支出使用免税额
repairment n. 修理,修补
reparable adj.reparation n.补偿,赔偿,赔款,弥补,恢复
◇ reparation for sth.补偿
reparation duty 赔偿率
reparations agreement赔偿协定
Reparations Commission赔款委员会
reparations in kind货物赔偿
war reparations战争赔偿
reparative adj.赔偿的,弥补的
reparative justice补偿的正义





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