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单词 private
释义 private /'praivit; 'praivit/ adj 1 (opp of public) of, for the use of, concerning, one person or group of persons, not people in general: (为 public 之相反字)私人的; 私用的; 私有的: a ~ letter, about personal matters; 私人信件; for ~ reasons, not to be explained to everybody. 为了私人的理由。 i ~ 'enterprise, the management of industry, etc by ~ individuals, companies, etc (contrasted with State ownership or control). 私人企业(与国营企业相对)。 — 'means, income not earned as a salary, etc but coming from personal property, investments, etc. 私产所得(指来自个人之财产,投资等, 而非来自薪金之收入 'school, one at which fees are paid (contrasted with a school financially supported by the State, etc). 私立学校(与公立学校相对)。 2 secret; kept secret: 秘密的;保持秘密的: a letter marked ,尸~'; 标有'密'字的信件; have ~ information about sth. 得到有关某事的秘密消息。 ~ parts, external sex organs. 为盘; 修部。 3 having no official position; not holding any public office: 无官职的; 平民的: do sth in one's ~ capacity, not as an official, etc; 以平民资格做某事; his ~ life, the life he leads away from business or public affairs. 他的私生活(与业务或公务无关者 retire into ~ life, retire after a public career. 退休(从公职退休)。 ~member (of the House of Commons), one who is not a member of the Government. 未担任公职的下议院议员。 4 ~ (soldier), ordinary soldier without rank: 兵; 兵士: P~ Dodd. 兵士陶德。 n 1 ~ soldier. 宾; 宾士。 2 in ~, ~ly, not in public. 私下地; 秘密地。 ~ly adv




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