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单词 reckoning


1.settlement of an account,settling of the bill结账,算
△Ham.1.5.78: “No reckoning made,” i.e.Nosettlement of his account having been made withGod; having no time to admit his faults to God beforedeath. 我的账还没有结(按:指人在临终前向上帝忏悔自己一生的罪过。)
△ 1H.IV.1.2. 55 (49): “Well,thou hastcalled her to a reckoning many a time and oft.”嗯,你常常叫她来算账。
△ H.V.4.1.141 (134): “But if thecause be not good,the King himself hath a heavy re-ckoning to make,”但是如果战争的理由不正当,那么国王头上可有一大笔账要算了。
△2H.IV.1.2.194 (170): “preg-nancy is made a tapster,and his quick wit is wasted ingiving reckonings;”满腹才智的人只能去当酒保,他的机敏都在算账之中浪费掉。
2. account,bill账目,账单。
△Ado.5.4.52: “herecomes other reck’nings.”现在别的账目来了,需要清偿。
△As. 3.3.14: “it strikes a man more dead than agreat reckoning in a little room.”i.e.a large bill in asmall pot-house. (Maybe a reference to the death ofthe dramatist Marlowe who was struck dead in a quar-rel over the reckoning in the room of a London tav-ern,in 1593.) 这种打击比小酒馆里开出了大账单还要命。(按:此语可能暗指当时剧作家马洛于1593年在伦敦一家小酒馆里因酒账发生争吵,被人刺死。)
△1H.IV.3.2.152:“Or Iwill tear the reckoning from his heart.”否则我就要从他的心里把这笔账挖出来。
3. calculating,computation 计算。
△Oth.3.4.175(176):“O weary reckoning!”啊,这笔账算起来好累人!
4. assessment,estimation评定,估价。
△Rom.1.2.32:“Which,on more view of many,mine (= my daugh-ter Juliet),being one,/ May stand in number,thoughin reckoning none.”i.e.Which being the case,on amore extensive view of the many other beauties therepresent,my daughter may indeed counted as one a-mong the number,though in the final calculation she
may turn out to count for nothing. (Among a num-ber,one is reckoned none.)对许多美貌女郎仔细观察之后,
△Shr.4.1.87 (85):“By this reckoning he is more shrew thanshe.”这样看来,他比她更泼辣。
△H.V.4.7.16 (15):“The
pig (i.e. big),or the great,or the mighty,or thehuge,or the magnanimous,are all one reckonings,”
i.e. are of the same value; are equivalent. 太,大,强大,巨大,宽大,都是一回事。
5. public esteem,repute,reputation 众望,名 誉。
△Rom.1.2.4: “Of honourable reckoning are youboth,”你们二位都是德高望重的。





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