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单词 rage


1. madness,insanity,frenzy 疯狂,精神错乱,狂乱。
△Com. 4. 3. 88 (87):“Besides this present instance ofhis rage,”除了他现在这场狂乱的表现之外。
△Com.5.148:“extremity of rage.”大大发狂,大大发作。
△Rom.43.54 (53):“in this rage,”在这样发疯中。
△Lr.4.4.19:“his ungoverned rage”,他那控制不住的疯狂。
△Lr.4.7.78 (77): “the great rage,/ You see,is killed in him.”你看,他的疯狂已经消除。
2. violent anger,fury暴怒,狂怒。
△2H.VI.3.1.173:“If those that care to keep your royal person / Fromtreason's secret knife and traitor's rage / Be thus up-braided,chid,and rated at,”如果那些关切保护陛下、使御驾免遭乱臣贼子暗剑和凶暴的伤害的人,这样受到训斥、责备和怒骂…
△Ado.5.1.24: “give preceptial medicine torage ,”用格言治疗激愤。
△Rom.1.1.90 (84): “yourpernicious rage”,恶毒的怒火。
△Lr.1.2.188 (167):“till the speed of his rage goes slower;”等他的狂怒渐渐平静下去。
3. violent outburst of emotion. violent passion感情的激烈进发,激烈的感情。
△Lr.4.3.18 (16):“Not to arage.”还没有激烈发作。
4. violent hatred强烈仇恨。
△Rom.Pro.10: “And thecontinuance of their parents'rage,”双方家长的长久的仇恨。
5. raging passion,violent appetite,vehement desire 狂烈的激情,狂暴的欲望,激烈的愿望。
△2H.IV.4.4.63:“When rage and hot blood are his counsellors.”让狂欲和热血做他的顾问。
6. extreme violence凶暴。
△1H.VI.4.6.2: “The Re-gent hath with Talbot broke his word / And left us tothe rage of France his (i.e. France's) sword.”摄政王违背了他对塔尔博特的诺言,使我们单独去抵挡法国人的狂暴锋刃。
7. savage disposition 凶暴性子。
△Mer.5.1.81: “andfull of rage,”性子十分凶暴。
8. wild impetuosity,warlike arduor 狂热冲动,战斗激情。
△1H.VI.4.6.12:“Then leaden age,/ Quickenedwith youthful spleen and warlike rage.”于是我这感觉迟钝的老年人,也奋发出年轻人的冲劲儿和战斗的狂热。
△1H.VI.4.7.7: “And,like a hungry lion,did commenceRough deeds of rage and stern impatience;”像一头饿狮,开始狂暴而愤怒地冲杀。
9. fervour of battle,violent fighting战斗热情,激战。
△1H.IV.1.3.31:“When I was dry with rage and ex-treme toil,”那时候,由于激烈战斗、极端疲劳,我口干舌燥。
10. fury of rebellion(叛乱的)狂暴。
△2H.VI.3.1.285:“Send succours,lords,and stop the rage betime,”派援兵吧,众位大人,把狂暴的叛乱及时制止。
11. fever,infection 热病,感染。
△L.L.L.5.2.417(416):“a trick / Of the old rage.”一点老毛病。


vi. furious with anger or wild excitement,run wild,be in a rage激怒起来,狂暴起来.凶猛。
△Rom.3.5.135(134):“the winds,thy sighs,/ Who,raging with thytears,and they with them,”你的叹息是阵阵的风,风因泪涛而狂暴,泪涛因风而激荡。
△3H.VI.2.5.126:“And War-wick rages like a chafed bull.”沃里克就像一头激怒了的公牛那样狂暴。
2. behave wantonly. ravage,act with mischievous im-petuosity放肆行动,蹂躏,肆虐。
△Ado.4.1.60: “orthose pampered animals / That rage in savage sensual-ity.” 比饱餐而淫荡的野兽还更恣肆。
△2H.VI.3.1.351:“And this fell tempest shall not cease to rage”,这场强烈的风暴绝不会停止肆虐。
△3H.VI.2.3.25:“Why standwe like soft-hearted women here,/ Wailing our los-ses,whiles the foe doth rage,”当敌人还在肆虐,我们为什么还在这里徘徊,像心肠软弱的女人那样哀哭我们败军折将?




n.盛怒,流行 v.大怒
◇be purple with rage =go purple with rage极其生气
rage at对…非常气愤
rage oneself out平息
rage through经过
‖rageful adj.狂怒的,盛怒的
ragefully adv.狂怒地,盛怒地





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