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单词 engagement
释义 engagement /in'geidsmant; in'se6zmsnt/ n [C] 1 (formal) promise or undertaking, esp one that is formal or made in writing: (IE式用语) 约定; 契约: He has only enough money to meet his ~s, to make the payments he has undertaken to make. 他仅有约定要 d 的款。 2 agreement to marry: 婚约: Their ~ was announced in the papers. 他们订婚的消息登报了。 ring, one given by a man to a woman when they agree to marry. 订婚戒指。 3 arrangement to go somewhere, meet someone or do sth, at a fixed time: 约会: I have numerous ~s for next week. 我在下浦有很多约会。 4 battle: 战斗; 交战: The admiral tried to bring about an ~, to make the enemy fight. 海军上将设法迫敌人交战。 5 [C, U] engaging (of part of a machine, etc): (指机器之一部分等) 啮合: ~ of first gear. 第一排挡的啮合。




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