n. plucking,lopping-off拔去,砍掉。
△2H.VI.2.3.41:“two pulls(fig. mishaps) at once: / His lady ban-ished,and a limb lopped off.”i.e. his staff of officetaken away from him. 祸不单行:他的夫人被放逐,一条手臂也砍掉了。
vt. pluck,draw,tug 拔,拉,拖。
△1H.VI.3.3.7:“We'll pull his plumes and take away his train,/ IfDauphin and the rest will be but ruled.”只要太子和其他人都接受我的指导,我们就能拔掉他的羽毛、剪去他的尾巴。
v.拉(桨),拖,划桨,撤换守门员,从右向左侧击去,从左向右击去n .拉,拖,拉力,牵引力,引枪,紧张,影响(力),优先权,左飞球,校样
◇ pull a boner出丑
pull a face做鬼脸
pull away a prop拆台
pull back an opponent把对手推在后面
pull down摧毁,推翻
pull down the ball跑去抓住球
pull down the goal把球门往下拉
pull from the hang悬垂提铃
pull in紧缩开支
pull off成功,赢得
pull off a great coup一鸣惊人
pull off the event比赛获胜
pull oneself together控制自己的情绪
pull out驶出,取出,退出
pull out all the stops拉出风琴所有音栓
pull out of fire反败为胜
pull over靠在路边,头后举
pull through渡过难关,恢复健康,转危为安
pull strings在幕后牵线,暗中操纵
pull the long bow夸大其词
pull the plug(潜艇)潜入水中
pull the wire (木偶戏中的)牵线,在幕后牵线,暗中操纵
pull together齐心协力
pull up放松,放慢,拉起动作,急升动作
pull with a straight arm直臂划水
‖ pull a bone打得笨拙
pull a good oar划桨划得好
pull ahead奋力赶到前面
pull along the body贴身上拉
pull a muscle拉伤肌肉
pull and hit 回击
pull a punch故意轻击
pull back捋
pull baker加油
pull cord开伞绳
pull cross over上拉至腰部
pull down and move to another拆迁pull down on the javelin掷标枪时压枪
pull hitter拉棒击球员
pull in the abdominal muscles收腹肌
pull in the chin下颏里收
pull in toward the chest划向胸部
pull off a save救球成功
pull one’s weight划桨时全力以赴
pull over at arm’s length直臂下压
pull patter n划水式样
pull rod拉杆
pull stand抛靶器操纵台
pull strategy for control of distribution channels分销渠道控制的拉式战略
pull the javelin forward向前拉标枪
pull the trailing leg over提起跨腿过栏
pull the trigger射击,扣扳机
pull the weight along the body贴身上拉
pull through起跨腿提拉
pull weights拉力器,弓拉力
pulling arm划水臂
pulling force拉力
pulling muscles划水肌肉群
pulling the goalkeeper撤换守门员
pulling through拉桨动作
pulling whaleboat拖曳救生艇
pulling with the legs suspended浮腿划臂练习
pullback n.撤退,障碍物
puller n.划手,抛靶操纵员
puller house抛靶房
pullout altitude拉起高度
pullout bombing俯冲拉起轰炸
pullover and bench press仰卧头后拉起卧推
pullover and press on back with bridge仰卧挤推,仰卧挺腹推举
pullover and press on back卧推
pullover flight上仰飞行
pull-up n. 引体向上
pull-up push-away type撑竿跳高的引体推开式