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单词 君子一言,快马一鞭

君子一言,快马一鞭好汉一言,快马一鞭jūn zǐ yī yán , kuài mǎ yī biān

a gentleman is as good as his word,a swift horse needs no spurring; one word from a gentleman is like one touch of the whip to a swift horse/“是呀,~。”他记起他叔叔这句话来说道。“Yes! ‘A gentleman is as good as his word,a swift horse needs no spurring。” He remembered the proverb his uncle had quoted.
❍ 我知道你是个信得过的人,真是~。I know you can be trusted,for one word from a man of noble character is like one touch of the whip to a swift horse.

君子一言,快马一鞭jun zi yi yan,kuai ma yi bian

a gentleman is as good as his word,as a steed gallops at the first crack of the whip

君子一言,快马一鞭jūn zǐ yī yán,kuài mǎ yī biān

君子一句话说出来,决不反悔。A gentleman never goes back on his word. A gentleman is as good as his word. A word spoken is past recalling.





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:15:04