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单词 ration
释义 ration /'raefn; 'raejan/ n fixed quantity, esp of food, allowed to one person; (pl) fixed allowance served out to, eg members of the armed forces: 定量 (尤指配给个人之食物的定额); (复) 口粮; 配给 (如配给三军人员者): go and draw ~s. 去领取配给。 ' ~ card/book, one that entitles the holder to ~s, eg for a civilian when there is a food shortage during or immediately after a war.- 配给卡 (薄) 。 be on short ~s, be allowed or able to have less than the usual quantity of food. 粮食配给不足; 粮食缺乏。 vt 1 [VP6A] limit (sb) to a fixed 定量配给 (某人) 。 2 [VP6A, 15B] ~ (out), limit (food, water, etc): 限制使用 (食物、水等): We'll have to ~ the water. 我们将限制用水。 He ~ed out (→ distributed ~s of) the bread. 他分发面包。




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