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单词 position


1. arrangement,disposition,order 排列,布置,顺序。
△Tw. 2.5.133 (119): “alphabetical position”,i. e.arrangement of the letters. 字母的顺序排列。
2. proposition,exposition,assertion,thesis 陈述,阐述,断言,论题。
△Oth. 3. 3. 234:“But,pardon me,I do notin position / Distinctly speak of her,”但是,请原谅,我这番议论只是泛泛而谈,并非特别指她。
3. hypothesis,argument 前提,论据。
△Oth.2.1.240(235):“as it is a most pregnant and unforced posi-tion ,”因为这本来是非常明显而自然的推论。


◇in a position to能够
in position在适当位置
take up the position that主张
‖ bargaining position谈判地位
full position醒目位置
political position政治地位
position adjustment 调整持仓
position advantage(截击机对目标的)位置优势
position and merit service salary教师职位-劳绩薪金制
position angle方位角
position at attention立正姿势
position at bar预备姿势
position at ease稍息姿势
position audit头寸审计
position book(外汇)头寸记录簿
position bookkeeping头寸簿记
position classification plan职位级别制
position correction grid炮位修正方格板
position correction炮位修正量
position defense阵地防御
position firing炮位射击
position game阵地战
position group职位组
position intensity地位集中程度position lamp指示灯
position limit ratio持仓限额比率
position limit持仓限额,持仓上限
position memory位置记忆
position of account账目情况
position of a hit弹着点
position of an organization in an exhibition展位
position of arms两臂姿势
position of a shot弹着点
position of attention立正姿势
position of danger危险状态
position of elbows两肘位置
position of grazing弹着点
position of players队员的场上位置
position of resistance抵抗阵地
position of target目标位置
position of the fulcrum支点的位置
position of the soldier立正姿势
position paper对问题所持见解的论文
position pendule倒钩爬绳法
position play定位战术,选择好位置的打法,阵地战
position ratio持仓比例
position report情况报告
position risk adjustment持仓风险调整
position scarcity职位缺乏
position sheet外汇买卖日记账
position shot集球,聚球
position squaring平仓
position statement财务状况表(资产负债表)/ position terminorum词项位置
position trader头寸交易商
position warfare阵地战
rest position静止状态
social position社会地位
positions in educational administration教育行政职务
positions offered征聘人才
positioning adjustments调整布局,调整防守位置
positioning band定位弹带
positioning pass阵地传球
positioning system定位系统
positional adj. positional authority职位权威
positional awareness迭位意识
positional draw局面和棋
positional fault发球时队员的位置错误
positional play局面棋,固定位置打法,阵地战
positional rings静止吊环
positional sacrifice局面弃子,阵地弃子
positional sense跑位意识
positioner n.





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