stagnate;be at a standstill;bog down
工作~不前。Work has stagnated.or:There is no progress in the work./会谈~不前。The negotiations have bogged down (or have reached a stalemate,are at a standstill)./国民经济处于~状态。The national economy stagnated./为应对气候变化而~发展,或者无视气候变化片面追求经济增长,都是不可取的。It is undesirable either to stop development for fear of climate change or seek growth in disregard of climate change./关系~stagnation of relations/生产~ stagnation of production/思想~be close-minded;be rigid in one’s thinking/~性通货膨胀(滞胀)stagflation
停滞tíng zhì
stagnation; stasis; retention