释义 |
perfectionn. 1.state of being perfect,faultlessness,examplariness十全十美,完美无疵,楷模。 △Rom.2.2.45: “So Romeowould,were he not Romeo called,/ Retain that dearperfection which he owes / Without that title.”罗米欧也是这样,即使不叫罗米欧,换了别的称呼,仍然可以保持他的那份可爱的完美。 △H.V.3.7.51(46): “Me well,which isthe prescript praise and perfection of a good and par-ticular mistress.”(Me well: My horse carries me well;my “mistress” suits me well.)它驮我驮得很好;这正是对一位专属于一个人的完美好情妇的恰当赞美。 2. (abstract for concrete) one who is perfect,perfect being 完美的人,完美的存在。 △R.III. 1.2.75: “Vouch-safe,divine perfection of a woman,”请屈尊,天使一般完美的妇人。 △Oth.1.3.99:“It is a judgement maimed,and most imperfect,/ That will confess perfection socould err / Against all rules of nature,”只有判断力残缺不全的人才会声称这样完美的人竟能做出如此违反情理的事情。 3. completed state,highest state,supreme degree,fullness 完全状态,最高状态,最高程度,十足充分。 △R.III.4.4.65: “Young York,he is but boot,because boththey / Matched not the high perfection of my loss.”小约克呢,他只是一个饶头,因为他们两个加在一起也抵不上我的损失那样十足充分。 4. excellent quality 优点。 △Tw.1.5.317(296):“Me-thinks I feel this youth’s perfections / With an invisi-ble and subtle stealth / To creep in at mine eyes.”我觉得这个少年的优点好像在无形中非常微妙地偷偷爬进我的眼里来了。 △2H.IV.2.3. 26:“For those that could speak lowand tardily / Would turn their own perfection toabuse /To seem like him;”因为那些本来低声慢语说话的人宁愿把他们自己的优点变成缺点,以便说起话来能够像他。 5. excellent endowment 优秀天资。 △3H.VI.3.2.86:“All her perfections challenge sovereignty.”她的全部优异天资足以要求君王之尊。 △Tw.1.1.39(38):“Her sweetperfections,”她那些优美天赋之所在(指:肝、脑、心)。 |