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pausen. 1. stop 停止。 △Oth.2.3.230(228): “this gentleman(i.e. Montano) / Steps in to Cassio and entreats hispause.” i. e. entreats him to stop. 这位先生过去拦住凯西奥,求他住手。 2. interval for consideration 考虑的间隙。 △R.III.4.2.24: “Give me some little breath,some pause,dearlord./ Before I positively speak in this.”亲爱的主上,请给我一个喘息的机会,一个考虑的间隙,然后我再明确地说出意见。 3. consideration,reflection 考虑,思考。 △3H.VI.3.2.10: “It were no less (i. e. no less than a dishonour).but yet I’ll make a pause.”那的确不光彩,不过我还是要考虑一下。 4. break in activity. hesitation,suspense 暂停,踌躇,悬念。 △Ham.4.3.8: “This sudden sending him awaymust seem /Deliberate pause.”i. e. Hamlet’s remov-al,though sudden,must seem the result of carefulconsideratio n.这样子马上把他送走,一定要显得是经过深思熟虑的办法。
pausevi. 1. make a stop,discontinue 停止,中止。 △2H.VI.5.2.19: “What seest thou in me. York? Why dost thoupause?”约克,你在我身上看到了什么?你为什么停下不打? 2. take time for consideration,hesitate 暂缓考虑,踌躇。 △Com. 2.1.32: “no marvel though she pause,”i. e.before marrying. (她没有结婚)难怪她这么有耐心。 pause upon: postpone consideration of,reflect about对…暂缓考虑,对…进行考虑。 △1H.IV.5.5.15: “Otheroffenders we will pause upon.”对其他罪犯待我再作考虑。~vb.refl.make a stop,delay,hesitate 停顿,迟延,踌躇。 △2H.IV.4.4.9: “And pause us till these rebels,now afoot,/ Come underneath the yoke of government.”停顿下来,等待这些尚在活动的叛徒低头接受王权的统治。 pause[pɔ:z]n.幕间休息,中间插演的道德剧,休止符,延长符号,空声带v.短暂停顿,暂停,中止,冷场,踌躇 ◇give pause to使踌躇 pause and ponder踌躇 ‖pause for breath唱歌的呼吸间歇 pay pause工资冻结 |