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单词 passage


1. passing 经过。
△H.VIII.1.1.114 s.d.:“The Cardi-nal in his passage fixeth his eye on Buckingham.”红衣主教经过时眼睛盯住白金汉。
2. course 过程。
△ Rom.Pro.9:“fearful passage”,可怕的经历。
3. act of moving,motion,movement 行动,动作,活动。
△Oth.1.2.98:“For if such actions may have passagefree,/ Bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmenbe.”i. e. If such action may go unchecked,Veniceshall give over the governing power to slaves andaliens. 如果这种行为可以放纵不管,奴隶和异教徒都要做我们的政府要员。
4. act,incident,proceeding 行为,事件,行动。
△Tw.3.2.79(72): “such impossible passages of grossness.”如此荒谬的蠢事。
5. path 路径。
△ Mac.1.2.19: “carved out hispassage / Till he faced the slave;”i.e.cut a path forhimself through the enemy forces until he came faceto face with the villain Macdonwald. 砍开一条道,他直到了那奴才的面前。
6. passers-by,people passing by 行人,过路人。
△Oth.5.1.37:“What ho! no watch? no passage? Murder,mur-der!”喂,怎么? 没有巡夜人吗? 没有过路人吗? 杀了人啦,杀了人啦!
△Com.3.1.99:“the stirring passage”,i.e.the numerous passers-by 很多行人;人来人往。
7. action,deed of arms,fighting 行动,武装行动,战斗。
△H.V.3.6. 99(92): “The French is gone off,lookyou,and there is gallant and most brave passages.”法国人已经撤退,你瞧,这一仗打得真漂亮、真勇敢。
8. line of descent,line of succession 家族世系,继承系统。
△H.V.1.1.86: “The severals and unhiddenpassages / Of his true titles to some certain duke-doms,”(unhidden passages: clear lines of descent.) 关于他对某些公国所拥有的合法权利的种种详情细节和明明白白的家族世系。
9. passing away,departure,death 消逝,去世,死亡。
△ 1H. VI.2.5.107:“O,uncle,would some part of myyoung years / Might but redeem the passage of yourage.”啊,舅父,我真想用我的一部分青春年华来赎回你那消逝的岁月。
△Ham.5.2.412(398): “and for his passage,The soldiers’ music and the rite of war / Speak loudlyfor him.”为了悲悼他的逝世,我们要用军乐军礼向他致敬。


◇passage through the air腾空
‖ passage account旅费账户
passage account holder旅费账户持有人
passage allowance旅费津贴
Passage Application旅费申请表
passage balance旅费结存
passage benefit旅费福利
passage cost旅费
passage cycle旅费周期
passage entitlement可享有的旅费
passage fees通行费
passage in force强行通过
passage money通行费
passage of command指挥权移交
passage of line越线换防
passage of orders传达命令
passage of probation bar通过试用关限
passage of(at) arms唇枪舌剑式的对白,交战
passage point通过点
passage requisition旅费拨款通知单
passage way走廊,过道,剧场的出入口
right of passage通行权
take passages摘录
unimpeded passage through不受阻碍通过





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