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单词 谢天谢地

谢天谢地xiè tiān xiè dì

be thankful for; thank goodness (/God); thank Heaven (s); thank one’s(lucky) stars/“祝三妹呢?”“跟立安走了。”“真是~!”(陶承《我的一家》65) “And Zhu Sanmei,” I asked,“Where is she?”“She went out with Lian.” “Well,heaven and earth be thanked for that.”/受罪受罪! 只要儿子在外边好好的,就该~!(知侠《铁道游击队》405)What if we did suffer a bit of torture so long as our son’s well? we should be thankful for that!/警察们听到八路军一嚷叫,知道保住了命,~地赶紧朝后蹿。(冯志《敌后武工队》116) The puppets were convinced that their lives would be spared by the Eighth Route Army and thankfully turned back.
❍ ~,这两天鬼子和顽军没有到这里来……(知侠《铁道游击队》238) Thank heavens,the Japanese and the reactionary troops haven’t been here these last few days.…/果然这样,~,岂不甚好。(毛泽东《在扩大的中央工作会议上的讲话》21) If it does turn out that way,we’ll thank heaven and earth and it will be wonderful!


thank goodness;thank god;thank heaven

谢天谢地xiè tiān xiè dì

原是迷信的说法。在事情办得顺利时,要感谢天地。现多表示事情办完后,愿望得以实现,表示满意和感激。Thank Heaven! thank one’s stars, God be praised!





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:32:47