pinn. 1. i.e.worthless thing 针,不值钱之物。 △Gent.1.1.115(108):“From a pound to a pin?”从金币一镑一变而为针一根吗? 2. trifle,something insignificant 微不足道之物,废话。 △ Wiv.1.1.118(114): “Tut,a pin ! this shall be an-swered.”哼,少废话! 这笔账非算清不可。 3. bull’s eye,fixed in the centre of a target;centre 靶心,中心。 △Rom.2.4.15: “the very pin of his heartcleft with the blind bow-boy’s butt-shaft;”那瞎眼小箭手的秃头箭已经把他的心脏的正中心射成两半。 △L.L.L.4.1.140 (136):“cleaving the pin.”戳破靶心。
pinvt. fasten with pins 钉住。 “pins the wenches on his sleeve”; has all the girlshanging on his arm,i.e.flaunts their dependance up-on him 女人们见了他都要牵裳挽袖(他时时夸耀他多么受妇女们爱宠)。 △L.L.L.5. 2. 322 (321):“This gallant pins thewenches on his sleeve; / Had he been Adam,he hadtemptedEve. ”此人是妇女们的爱宠,她们见了他都要牵裳挽袖;如果他是亚当,夏娃免不了被他引诱。 pin[pin]n.别针,发卡,旗杆 v.别住,钉住,阻止,牵制 ◇pin head针头,傻瓜 on pins and needles坐立不安 pins and needles麻木感 pin down固定,牵制 pin on归罪于 pin up钉住,别住,加固,支撑 ‖ pin bowler瞄准木柱的运动员 pin boy安放和清理木柱的服务员 pin deck柱台 pin fall按倒 pin money零用钱 pin spot柱点 pin-type printers针式打印机 VIP pin贵宾徽章 pinning combination固定对方的方法组合 |