释义 |
packn. 1. bundle包裹。 furred pack: wallet or knapsack of leather with thehair turned outward,borne on the pedlar's back(小贩背负的)翻毛的皮袋子或皮背包。 △2H.VI.4.2.51(47):“But now of late,not able to travel with her furred pack,she washes bucks here at home.”但是最近她不能背着货包到处走动了,她就在家里给人家洗衣服。 2. bundle,lot. number一包,许多,一些。 △Rom.3.3140(141): “A pack of blessings light upon thy back.”一连串的幸福降在你的身上。 3. confederacy,gang阴谋集团,帮。 △Wiv.4.2.126(118):“There's a knot,a gang,a pack,a conspiracyagainst me.” 现在有一批、一帮、一伙人串通了对付我。 △Com.4.4. 104(102): “confederate with a damned pack”. 串通了一伙坏蛋。 △R.III.3.3.4(5):“God blessthe Prince from all the pack of you!”愿上帝祝福王子,不受你们这一帮人的伤害! packs and sects: cliques and factions 集团和宗派。 △Lr.5.3.18:“packs and sects of great ones,”那些结党营私的大人物们。
packvt. 1. load装满。 △2H.IV.4.5.75(76): “Our thighs packed with wax,our mouths with honey./We bringit to the hive,”我们的腿上满带着蜡,我们的嘴里塞满了蜜,我们把它带到窝里。 2. cause to go away,send off in a hurry,dismiss使走开,匆匆送走,打发走。 △R.III.1.1.144(145):“He cannotlive. I hope,and must not die / Till George be packedwith post-horse up to heaven.”他活不下去了,我希望,但也不要马上就死,且让他先尽快地把乔治送上天堂。 3. league,confederate,implicate使结盟,使结成帮派,使有牵连。 △Com.5.1.219: “That goldsmith there,were he not packed with her,/ Could witness it,”那个金匠,只要他没有跟她结成一伙,可以作证。 ~ vi. 1. pack up and go打点行装上路。 △Lr.2.4. 81(80):“Will pack when it begins to rain,”一下雨他就要打点行李。 △Mer.2.2.10:“The most courageous fiend bidsme pack.”顶勇敢的魔鬼要我收拾行李。 2. go,go off. depart去,走开,离开。 △H.VIII.1.3.33:“Or pack to their old playfellows.”要不然,就还回到他们往日的玩乐伙伴那里去吧。 3. bundle off,go off in a hurry. depart in haste匆忙走开,匆匆离开。 △1H.IV.2.4.331(297):“Faith,and I'llsend him packing.”好,我去打发他快走开。 4. be off. be gone走开,滚开。 △Shr.2.1. 178(177):“If she do bid me pack”,要是她叫我滚开。 △Wiv.1.389(82):“Seek shelter,pack!”另找住的地方,走吧! Phrases: be packing: ❶be gone,get away,take flight走开,离开,逃走。 △2H.VI.3.2.110: “And,even with this,Ilost fair England's view / And bid mine eyes be pack-ing with my heart.”就这样,我看不见美丽的英格兰的景致.我吩咐我的眼睛与我的心一同离开。 ❷be off滚开。 △1H.VI.4.1.46: “Be packing therefore,thou that wast aknight;” 所以,滚开吧,你这个曾经身为骑士的人。 send one packing: send one away,cause one to go offin a hurry把…送走,使…匆匆走开。 △R.III.3.2.60:“Well,Catesby,ere a fortnight make me older,/ I'llsend some packing that yet think not on't (= on it.of it).”好,凯茨比,不出半个月,我要送几个自己还想不到的人回老家去。 pack[pæk]n.包裹,包装,伞包,背包,一组背景风屏v.包装,组装,压紧,挑选,群集 ◇be packed with挤满 pack and peel与…有关系,与…打交道 pack away=pack off收藏 pack in停止 pack in dozens (展品)成打地包装 pack into挤进,涌进 pack it up停止 pack off(away)运走 pack out挤满 pack up (展品)打包 ‖ pack a punch能击出有力的一拳 pack carrier背包带 pack frame金属背架 pack racing集体起跑的比赛 pack shot超低拍摄 pack unit小型无线电收发机 packed audience拥挤的听众 packed defence密集防守 packed house爆满 packed lunch盒饭 packing and labeling regulations (展品)包装与标签规定 packing box货箱 packing charges包装费 packing container (展品)包装箱 packing cost(展品)包装成本 packing credit打包贷款,打包信用证 packing decoration包装装潢 packing expense包装费 packing gun驮载炮 packing instruction包装说明 packing list装箱单 packing loan打包放款,打包贷款 packing note包装记录单 packing paper包装纸 packing the defiance压缩对方的防守面 |