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outvi. 1. appear. be revealed显露,暴露。 △1H.VI.4.1.109:“Your private grudge,my lord of York,will out. /Though never so cunningly you smother it.”约克大人,你深藏于心的仇恨,不管你掩盖得多么巧妙,总是要暴露出来的。 2. drop out.i.e.fall down dead drunk; get deaddrunk. and so desert the company 退出,(指)醉倒;喝得烂醉,逃离酒伴 。 △2H.IV.5.3.66(65): “The knave willstick by thee. I can assure thee that 'a (= he) will notout,’a.”这家伙要粘住你不放的,我可以向你保证他不会逃席,他。
outad. 1. towards the outside到外边。 △Mac.5.5.46(45):“Arm,arm,and out!”披上武装,拿起武器,出去! △Gent.1.3.7:“to seek preferment out.”到外边寻个上进之路。 2. abroad,in foreign countries在(到)国外,在外国。 △Lr.1.1.34(32):“He hath been out nine years,andaway he shall again.”他已经在国外九年,而且还要再出去。 3. out of the scabbard 出鞘。 △Lr.4.6.234 (229):“Briefly thyself remember; the sword is out / Thatmust destroy thee.”你赶快忏悔一下;要杀你的刀已经拔出来了。 4. come out. disclosed透露出来,揭发出来。 △H.VIII.32.304(303):“I thank my memory,I yet rememberSome of these articles,and out they shall.”我感谢自己的记忆力,我还记得几条罪状,那就把它们说出来吧。 △Oth.5.2. 217(219):“’Twill out,’twill out! I peace?”真相是要揭露的,要揭露的! 我不做声? 5. made public公开。 △Lr.1.4.162(147):“The otherfound out there.”(The Fool points at Lear ) 另一个明明在那边。 6. at fault,in error,inaccurate 出了差错,不准确。 △L.L.L.4.1.137(133):“I' faith,your hand is out.”老实讲,你没有瞄得准。 7. fallen out wrong in reckoning; out of pocket,outof money.失算;赔钱,破财。 △Tw.2.3.203(184):“I ama foul way out.”i.e.very much mistaken; miserably out of money.我可要大大失算了(又译:大大破产了)。 8. out of “matter”,at a loss没话说了,窘住了。 △As.4. 1.78(75):“when they are out,” when they cannot think for the moment what to say. 当他们一时无话可说之际。 △As.4.1.84(81):“Who could be out.being before his beloved mistress?”在自己心爱的情人面前,谁能没话说呢? 9. at a loss. confused 窘住了,狼狈了。 △L.L.L.5.2.152:“The rest will ne'er come in. if he be out.”只要他讨了没趣,别人也都不会得逞。 10. (of fires and lights) extinguished,expired; (of eyes) blinded.(火、光)熄掉了,灭掉了;(眼睛)瞎了。 △Lr.3.7.83:“Out,vile jelly!”瞎掉吧,下贱的肉冻! △As.41.225(213): “that blind rascally boy that abuses every one's eyes because his own are out,”那个瞎眼的坏孩子,因为自己眼瞎了就把每个人的眼睛都蒙蔽了。 11. exhausted. finished. at an end; not in the hands of the owner耗尽了,完了,到头了;丢了。 △Wiv.4.5.64(63);“Out,alas,sir,cozenage! mere cozenage.”嗳哟,完了,老板,欺骗! 简直是欺骗。 △Ham.5.2.201(193):“and do but blow them to their trial,the bubbles are out.”可是只要拿他们来试 一试,吹他们一下,这些水泡便全破了。 △H.VIII.3.2.20:“His spell in that is out.”他在这方面的魔法已经不灵了。 12. excluded from the possession without,destitute, denuded被排除了对于…的所有权,失去了,被剥光了。 △2H.IV.2.1.82(74):“He hath eaten me out of house and home.”他把我的房子、我的家都剥光了。 13. not in office下台。 △Lr.5.3.15:“who's in,who's out.”谁在位,谁下台。 14. disregarded置之不顾。 △H.VIII.1.1.79:“The honourable Board of Council out.”连枢密院都置之不顾。 15. fallen out. at odds闹翻,不和。 △Mer.3.5.34(31):“Launcelot and I are out.”朗斯洛特跟我已经闹翻了。 16. in the field (for war),up in arms,in rebellion进入战场,起来进行武装斗争,起义造反。 △Mac.4.3.182:“there ran a rumour / Of many worthy fellows that were out,” i.e. against Macbeth. 有一种谣传说许多有名望的人都起义了。 17. taken out,granted拿出,授予。 △Lr.1.4.167(152):“No,faith,lords and great men will not let me (i.e. let me have all the foolishness to myself); if I had a monopoly out,they would have part on't.”当然不是,那些大人老爷不让我一人独占(傻子之名);如果我得了傻子专利权,他们就要来分走一份。(按:当时英王常把专卖权授予宠臣,引起大家不满,傻子这话,嘲讽此事。) Phrases: out at heels: (lit.) having one's heels showingthrough holes in the socks and shoes; shabby,out ofmoney (原义)鞋袜露出脚跟;(转义)衣衫褴褛的,一贫如洗的。 △Wiv.1.3. 32(31): “Well,sirs,I am almost out atheels.”好了,诸位,我穷得几乎露出脚跟来了。 out before: at the front of the stage 在舞台前部。 △Shr.5.1.s.d.: “Gremio is out before.”葛莱米欧在舞台前部。 out of: ❶away from,besides,except,but除…之外,除非。 △H.VIII.3.2.11: “When did he regard / The stamp of nobleness in any person / Out of himself?”除了他自己以外,他看得起哪个人的高贵身份? △L.L.L.3.1.149(142):“I will never buy and sell out of this word.”i.e.I will never use any other word but this. 除了这个以外,我再也不用别的名词了。 ❷from outside从…以外。 △H.VIII. 1.2. 114: “And never seek for aid out of himself.”不必从他自己以外寻求帮助。 ❸ beyond超出,在…之外。 △As.3.2.204(193):“out of all hooping!”大喊大叫也表示不出。 △ Tw.5.1.359 (347): “But out of question ’tis Maria’s hand.”但是毫无问题,是玛利娅的笔迹。 △Ado.2. 3. 177(159):“out of all suspicion”,毫无疑问。 ❹excluded from被排除在…之外。 △ Lr.2.4.208(205): “I am now from home. and out of thatprovision / which shall be needful for your entertain-ment.”我现在不在自己家里,缺少供应,所以无从招待你.满足你的需要。 ❺beyond the limits of,wandering from.contrary to超出…的界限;逸出,违反。 △As.3.2.88(82):“out of all reasonable match.”超出了合理配对的界限;一点也不般配。 △Tw.1.5.232:“You are now out of yourtext;”你现在逸出经文的范围了。 ❻ free from摆脱了… △1H.IV.4.1.135: “Talk not of dying,I am out offear / Of death or death’s hand for this one halfyear.”不要说什么死亡,我已经摆脱了对死的恐惧,在这半年之内我不会受到死神的光顾。 ❼short of,in want of,without缺乏,需要,没有。 △H.V.3.7.169(152): “Ay,but theseEnglish are shrewdly out of beef.”是呀,不过这些英国人现在缺的正是牛肉。 △Wiv.2.1. 79(77):“out of doubt;”没有疑问。 ❽from从。 △As.3.5.55:“And out of youshe sees herself more proper / Than any of her linea-ments can show her.”从你们的献媚,她才觉得她比她自己的相貌要漂亮得多。 ❾in consequence of因为…的缘故,由于。 △H.VIII.4.1.7:“but I think your Grace,/ Out of the pain you suffered,gave no ear to’t (= it).”不过我想夫人刚才因为痛苦难当,没有听见我说的话。 ❿by means of用,依靠。 △Oth.3.3.16:“Or breed itself so out of circumstances,”或者靠着什么琐屑事件维持自己。 out of hand: immediately,at once,forthwith 立刻,马上,即刻。 △1H.VI. 3.2.101: “And now no more ado. brave Burgundy,/ But gather we our forces out of hand/ And set upon our boasting enemy.”现在别瞎忙了,勇敢的勃艮第,要马上把我们的队伍集合起来,向那口出狂言的敌人进攻。 out of hope: hopeless 失望,无望。 △ Shr.5.1.147(141): “Out of hope of all but my share of the feast.”一切都无望了,只剩下酒饭还有我的一份。 out of joint: in utter disorder全乱套了。 △Ham.1.5188:“The time is out of joint—”这个时代全脱节了(又译:全盘错乱)。 out of love: disgusted (with) (对…)厌恶。 △2H.IV. 22. 13 (11): “But indeed these humble considerations make me out of love with my greatness.”但是这些卑微的想头的确使我对于我的高贵身份厌恶了。 out of one’s guard: unprepared to defend oneself (in fencing),without an answer (in a battle of wit)(在比剑中)招架不及,(在斗智中)理屈词穷。 △Tw.1.5.91(86):“Look you now,he’s out of his guard already.” 你看.他已经毫无招架之功了。 out of question: without doubt. undoubtedly毫无疑问。 △ Ado.5.4.117(115): “which out of question thou wilt be,”你毫无疑问会变成那种人的。 △L.L.L.4.1.30:“And out of question so it is sometimes.”毫无疑义,这种情形是时常有的。 out of suits: failing in one’s suits,i.e. petit ions or requests,to a person; out of favour申诉(请求)失败;失宠。 △As.1.2.263(246):“one out of suits with fortune,”个失去命运宠爱的人。out of the way (out o’th’way): ❶gone astray迷了路,走入斜路。 △L.L.L. 4.3.76(74):“we are much out o’th’ way.”我们都走到邪路上去了。 ❷beside the mark,in-appropriate,wrong不中肯,不恰当的,错误的。 △Oth.1.3. 366(359):“it is clean out of the way.”那是全不对的。 out of warrant: unwarranted,against the law,illegal未经批准的,违法的,不合法的。 △Oth. 1.2.79: “arts inhibited and out of warrant”,prohibited and illegal arts. i.e.black magic.违禁的、非法的邪术。 out on: shame on可耻.不要脸。 △ Rom.3.5.169(168):“Out on her,”她好不要脸。 out on you: away with you! begone! 走 开! 滚! △R.III.4.4.508(507):“Out on you.owls!”滚你们的.猫头鹰! out upon: away with …down with …让…滚开,打倒… △1H.IV.1.3.208:“But out upon this half-faced fellowship!”但是这种各分一半荣誉的合伙,就靠边吧! out upon it: shame on it可耻,该死。 △Wiv.1.4.174(165):“Out upon’t! what have I forgot?”该死,我又忘了点什么? out upon thee: be gone with you!滚开! △Com. 3. 1.77:“out upon thee,hind!”滚开,混蛋! out upon you: away with you去你的。 △ Rom.2.4123(114):“Out upon you,what a man are you?”A-way with you! What kind of a man are you?去你的,你是什么样的人哪? out upon you (ye): (expression of anger,abhorrenceor malediction) begone! away! curse!(表示愤怒、憎恶或诅咒的惊叹语)去! 滚! 该咒! △H.VIII.3.1.98(99): “Isthis your Christian counsel? Out upon ye!”这就是二位作为基督徒给我的劝告吗? 去你们的吧!
outinterj. 1.(Expressing abhorrence. reproach or indignation) begone! away! (表示憎厌、责骂、愤慨等)滚开! 去! △Rom3.5.157(156):“ Out,you green-sickness carrion! Out,you baggage!”滚开,你这脸色发青的死肉,滚开! 你这贱货! △As.3.2.106(99): “Out,fool!”滚你的,傻子! △Lr.3.7.87: “Out. treacherous villain!滚开,奸诈的奴才! △Mac.5.1.38(35):“Out,damned spot! out. Isay!”去,该死的斑点! 去,我说! △1H.IV.2.2.48(42):“Out,ye rogue! shall I be your ostler?”滚,你这坏东西!难道我是你的马夫吗? △1H.IV. 2. 3. 82(77): “Out,youmad-headed ape!”去你的,你这疯疯癫癫的猴子! △R.III.1.3. 118(117):“Out,devil!”滚,魔鬼! 2. (Expressin g malediction) curse! plague! (表示咒骂)该咒的! 遭瘟的! △ Wiv.3.3.110(103):“Out upon you! How am I mistook in you!”该死的! 算我把你看错了! 3. (exclamation of grief) woe! come to an end! (表示悲痛)遭殃呀! 完了! △Oth.5.2.117(119):“Out,and alas,that was my lady’s voice!”哎呀.唉.那是夫人的声音! △Rom.4.5.25:“Out alas,she’s cold,”唉呀,完了,她已经冰冷了。 △ 1H.VI. 5.4.10: “Out,out!— My lords. an please you (i.e.if you please),’tis not so.”罢了,罢了! 诸位大人明鉴,并不是这样的。 4. extinguished! be effaced!熄灭了! 抹去了! △ Mac.55.23:“Out,out,brief candle!”熄灭了吧,熄灭了吧,短短的蜡烛! 5. expression of indignation or disgust 呸! out alas: double or compound interjection expressing reproach or indignation呸,唉呀! △3H.VI.1.4.18:“But,out alas,/We budged again,”但是,呸,唉呀! 我们还是又退了。 out[aut]adj.外面的,出局的 ◇be out错误 be out like light醉得不省人事 be out of没有 be well out of平安摆脱 on the outs关系不和 out and home往返,来往 out and in进进出出 out here老远到这里 out of business失业,停业,破产 out of character跳出角色 out of date过时的,老式的,废弃的,失效out of debt不欠债 out of door室外的 out of fashion不流行 out of frame脱格 out of mode不流行 out of press绝版 out of print脱销 out of recognition面目全非 out of rule不按常规 out of shot镜头外,出镜头 out of style不时髦的,不合时髦 out of the swim不合潮流 out of time不合拍 out of town houses大都市范围以外的剧场 out of tune走调 out of type脱离类型 out of vogue不流行 out with拿出,谈起 ‖ out and home race往返赛 out and return flight往返飞行 outboard boat船外马达 outboard motorboat舷外摩托 outboard motor装于船尾外的马达 outboard part of the oar桨杆和桨叶 outboard type外向式 out bounds禁止击球区 out boxing击败对方 out circle外弧线形,外刃圆形 out climb爬升优势 out college走读生 out corner外角球,本垒外角 out-county pupil (student)外县学生 out course外圈,场外地区,前九洞,前九穴,前半场 out-court area场外地区 out curve外曲线 out curve ball外曲线球 out-dated management styles落后的管理方式 out distance抛在后头 out dive在俯冲中超越,长抽球,上旋球 outdoor classroom露天教室 outdoor education center户外教育中心 outdoor pickup实况转播 out drawing图画等画得不准确 out drop界外 out-drop外下坠球 outeredge of the platform跳台的前端 out front在观众中 out game比赛中领先(取胜)/ out gass ing漏气 out grip从外握 out haul拉帆索 out hit击中次数超过对方 out jump比对方跳得高 out lift超过对手 out low侧低球,外角低球 out manoeuvre智胜 out many以多打少 out match外出访问 比赛,外地比赛 out-of-alignment未对准的 out-of-balance失去平衡 out-of-bounds禁区 out of bounds (O.B)出界,界外球,掷界外球配合 out-of-bounds area场外区域 out-of-bounds ball out界外球 out-of-bounds pass界外发球 out of condition身体条件不适合 out of control不受控制,失控 out of course前九洞 out of district pupil (student)外区学生 out of doors露天 out of form身体不适,竞技状态失常 out of hand service不抛起的发球 out of handstand chest roll手倒立挺身落下成跪立 out of joint脱节,脱臼 out of line不协调 out-of-line swing越出线的摆动 out of marker标志带外 out of order失灵,失效,顺序错误 out of order of ends方位错误 out of play球脱离比赛状态,死球,暂停 out of pocket expenses用现金付出费用,实际支出 out of position站错位 out of position at service发球时队员位置错误 out of practice久不练习 out of print绝版 out-of-range出界,在射程外 out of reach够不着 out-of-school activities校外活动 out-of-school class 校外班 out-of-school education校外教育 out of season赛季外期间 out of service报废 out of service outside接球的一方 out of shape竞技状态失常 out of size不合尺寸 out-of-state student外州学生 out of stock脱销 out of the blue突如其来 out of the hole(比赛中)追成平局 out of the lot打出界外的腾空球 out of the money亏,失败,输掉 out of the race没有成功的可能 out of the running比赛中没有赢的希望,不参加比赛 out-of-the-way偏僻 out of trim失平衡 out-of-way place幽境 out of work失业 out-player接球队员 out part本垒外角 out pitched投球取胜 out point按积分获胜,得分超过对方 out shot补镜头 out sider本垒偏外球,不掌握发球权的一方 out speed在数量上超过 out stealing 偷垒出局 out swinger外弧球 out-the-money虚值期权 out trump在比赛上击败,制胜 out vie 打败,胜过 out-and-out adj. 完全的,彻底的 outcut n.环外命中 out-dated adj.落后的,过时 outfield n.外场 outfield fly外场腾空球 outfielder n.外场手 out-foot n.超过 outness n. 外在性,客观存在性 out-of-center adj.偏离中心的 out-of-date adj.过时的 outof-door adj. 室外的,露天的 out-of-pocket ad j .现款支付的,不列入预算的 out-of-print adj.不再发行的 out-of-question adv.无疑地 out-of-the-way adj. 偏僻的,少有的 out-take n. 电影剪余片 |