释义 |
飞蛾投火飞蛾扑火;灯蛾扑火;飞蛾赴火fēi é tóu huǒa moth darting into a flame—bring destruction upon oneself; seek one’s own doom; court one’s own ruin like a flame-attracted moth ❍ 正是~身倾丧,怒鳖吞钩命心伤。(《水浒全传》735) Truly was it|A flying moth darts into the flame and it is gone,|A tortoise,angered,swallows the hook and its life is done. ❍ 那妇人笑着寻思道: “这贼死军却不是作死倒来戏弄老娘! 正是 ‘灯蛾扑火,惹焰烧身,……”(《水浒全传》336) She laughed at this,and said to herself. “Is this exile not to find death? He likes to flirt with me!You are really the moth that flies into fire flame only to get yourself burnt to death.…”/今天你是~,可不能怨我们夜袭队!(冯志《敌后武工队》237) Today you’re asking for trouble,and now you’ve got it. Don’t blame the Night Raiders! |