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ordern. 1. regular disposition,proper state正规的布置,恰当的状态。 △H.Ⅷ. 1. 1.44:“Order gave each thing view;”井井有条,十分得体。 2. regular arrangement,regularity 正规的安排,正规。 △Tw.1.3.9:“the modest limits of order.”适当的规矩。 3. arrangement,determination made 安 排,约定。 △1H.Ⅳ.3.1.71(69): “Shall we divide our right /According to our threefold order ta'en(= taken)?”我们要不要按照我们三方做出的约定来划分一下我们应得的权益? 4. direction,command,conduct 指导,指挥,引导。 △H.Ⅴ. 3.2.72(65): “The Duke of Gloucester,towhom the order of the siege is given,is altogether di-rected by an Irishman,”围攻的指挥权交给了葛罗斯特公爵,可他完全听从一位爱尔兰人。 5. regular arrangement,measures,plan (of action) 正规的安排,措施,(行动的)计划。 △H.V.4.5.19: “We areenow yet living in the field / To smother up the English in our throngs,/ If any order might be thought upon.”在战场上我们还有不少的人活着,只要想出什么办法,我们挤成一团,也能把英国人闷死。 6. prescribed practice,customary procedure规定,惯例。 △Ham.5.1.250(228):“And but that great command o'ersways the order,”要不是朝廷的严命强压住教规。 7. succession or sequence of events,course of occurrence事件顺序,发生过程。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.4.100: “The manner and true order of the fight / This packet, please it you. contains at Iarge.”战斗的情形和真实过程,在这包信件里写得十分详尽,请陛下过目。 8. manner or way in which something takes place(一件事情发生的)经过。 △2H.VI.3.2.128: “Myself have calmed their spleenful mutiny,/ Until they hear the order of his death.”我自己已经平息了他们激怒的骚乱,现在他们要听听公爵死亡的经过。 9. course程序,步骤。 △Lr.1.1. 19:“But I have a son, sir,by order of law,” i.e. by the course of law,by le-gal means. 但是我还有一个合法的儿子(又译:嫡出的儿子)。 10. plan (of battle)(作战)计划。 △Mac.5. 6:“According to our order.”根据我们的作战计划。 11. formation队形。 in order: in formation,in battle array整队,排好战斗队列。 △2H.VI. 4. 2. 202(188): “They are all in order and march toward us.”他们全都排队向我们开过来了。 12. insignia of a knightly order骑士勋章。 △1H.VI.4.1.33: “When first this order was ordained,my lords,/ Knights of the Garter were of noble birth,/ Valiant and virtuous,”各位大人,这种勋章开始制定实行的时候,嘉德骑士都是出身高贵,英勇而有道德。 13. fraternity of religious persons,religious communi-ty教派,教团。 △Mid.2.1.123: “His mother was a vo-taress of my order.”他的母亲是我这一教派的信徒。 14. ecclesiastical rank or status (教会中的)等级,地位。 △H.VIII.4.1.24:“The Archbishop / Of Canterbury, accompanied with other / Learned and reverend fathers of his order,”坎特伯雷大主教,由几位和他地位相同的博学而且可敬的神父们陪同。15. public order公共秩序。 out of order: against public order,in rebellion破坏公共秩序,叛乱。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.2.203(189):“But then are wein order when we are most out of order.”只有让我们把社会秩序搅得大乱才算有秩序。 16. ❶measures措施。 ❷rank in the church圣职。 take orders: ❶take measures采取措施。 ❷ be ordained被授予圣职。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1. 273:“But I would have him dead,my Lord of Suffolk,/ Ere you can take due orders for a priest.”但是,萨福克大人,我却希望在你采取措施找到牧师(又译:在你被授予圣职担任牧师)之前就让他死掉。 Phrases: give order: make arrangements进行安排。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.5.111: “Mourn not,except thou sorrow for my good;/Only give order for my funeral.”不必过哀,除非你为了我的好处而悲伤;只要把我的丧事安排一下就行了。 take order: take measures,make arrangements采取措施,作出安排。 △2H.Ⅳ. 3. 2. 199(185):“and I will take such order that thy friends shall ring for thee.”我可以采取措施叫你的朋友们替你(双关:为你)敲钟。 △R.Ⅲ.3.5.105(106):“Now will I go to take some privy order / To draw the brats of Clarence out of sight,”现在我要去采取一些秘密措施,把克拉仑斯的两个小东西转移到不得见人的地方。 △R.III.4.4.538 (537):“Some one take orderBuckingham be brought / To Salisbury.”哪一位采取措施把白金汉押送到骚兹伯雷。 take order for: make arrangements for,take stepsfor,arrange为…做好安排,对…采取步骤,安排。 △Oth.5.2.71:“No,his mouth is stopped:/ Honest Iago hathta’en (= taken) order for it.”当然不,他的嘴已经闭住了,诚实的伊阿古已经把这事安排好了。 take some order: make some necessary arrangementsor dispositions. establish order and government作出必要的安排或部署,建立管理秩序。 △1H.VI.3.2.126: “Nowwill we take some order in the town,”现在我们要在这个城市里作一些必要的安排。
ordervt. 1. manage. conduct安排,指导。 △H.VIII.1.1.50:“Allthis was ordered by the good discretion / Of the rightreverend Cardinal of York.”这一切全都是靠着约克红衣主教大人的英明而筹备起来的。 2. arrange,regulate调停,调整。 △H.V.5.Cho. 38:“The Emperor’s (i.e. Sigismund,Emperor of Germa-ny) coming in behalf of France,/ To order peace be-tween them;”(Emperor Sigismund arrived in Englandin May,1416.)德意志皇帝为了法国前来在两国之间调解说合。 3. arrange in an orderly manner布置。 △R.III.5.3.293(292):“And thus my battle shall be ordered:”我的阵势要作这样的布置:…。 order[ˈɔ:də]n. 次序,顺序,秩序,会议规则,命令,汇票,订单,货单,委托,指令 ◇ a large order难办的事,难供应的东西 by order of奉…之命 call to order开会 in good order状态良好 in order整齐 in or -der that为了…,以…为目的 in order to为了,要 in short order迅速地 in the order of=of the order of大约 order around (about)传送 order as sample按样订货 order sb.out下令出动 out of order次序颠倒,出毛病 take order to采取适当手段去…to order/根据…的命令 under the orders of 奉…之命,受…指挥 ‖ banquet event order宴会订单 catering sales order餐饮销售订单 event order会展活动规程 market order市价单 order about摆弄 order action card订购卡 order and confirmation订货与确认 order and receiving register订货收入登记簿 order arms持枪立正的姿势 order at discretion全权委托盘 order bill of lading记名提单 order blank订货单 order book official委托记录经纪人 order book买卖盘纪录,挂盘册,订货簿 order check记名支票,凭样订货,订货登记员 order confirmation记名支票 order cost定购成本 order cycle time订货周期 order distribution次序分配 order draft确认订单 order effect顺序效果 order entry买卖盘输入 order for account查账令 order for collection记名汇票 order for eviction搬迁令 order for futures delivery远期交货订单 order form盘纸,订货单,命令格式 order fro guests to leave逐客令 order from the water命令退场 order in bulk整批订货 order in market市场秩序 order indent订单 order input period输入买卖盘时段 order instruction入市指令 order limit顺序极限 order matching对盘 order matching period对盘时段 order note购货确认书 order not to pay止付通知 order number订单编号 order of action作用次序 order of battle序列 order of business议程,议事日程,议事程序表 order of classes or grades at school班次 Order of Council枢密院令 order of discharge解除令 order of execution动作的顺序 order of finish到达终点的次序,名次排列 order of fire射击次序 order of genes基因次序 order of harmonic谐音阶 order of merit优等次序 order of payment支付委托书 order of payment of debt债务清偿次序 order of play击球次序 order of position站位次序 order of predicate谓词的阶 order of preference选择次序 order of reference of account审查账目令 order of seats座次 order of semantical category语义范畴的阶 order of service发球顺序 order of shooting射箭顺序 order of skill技能级次 order of striking out接发球次序 order of the bone射猎得分最少者奖 order of the day议事日程 order on a bank银行汇票 order on rope结组顺序 order paper记名票据 order party订货方 order-picking area存货提取区 order point进货点 order processing订单处理 order quantity订货量 order relation次序关系 order routing买卖盘传递 Order Routing System (ORS)买卖盘传递系统 order sheet订货单 order slip订货通知单 order structure指令结构 order throughput买卖盘处理率 order ticket委托单 order to pay支付命令 order to quarantine通知检疫 order type序型 order wire联络线 combination orders组合单 issue orders发布命令 Orders and Regulations条令(例)/Orders in Council枢密院敕令 orders on hand手头订单 orders received book订单簿 ordered combinations按序混合 ordered couple有序对 ordered domain序域 ordered film订制影片 ordered pairs有序对 ordered quadruple四项有序 ordered segmentation依序分割 ordered set序集 ordered structure有序结构 ordered triplet三项有序 ordering item排列题 ordering marketing agreement有秩序销售协议 ordering relation次序关系,式样 ordering table订货量统计表 orderer n .订货人,勤务员,点菜 orderless adj.无条理的,不整齐的,整洁的,按顺序的 orderly adj.按顺序(进行比赛)的,(可)定购的,有秩序的,整齐的n.勤务员,公务员 ◇ orderly measured有板有眼 orderly marketing正常销售 orderly marketing agreement有秩序销售协定 orderly officer值班军官 orderly room连部办公室,中队部 ordinal data顺序资料 ordinal interaction次序交互效果 ordinal measurement计序测量 ordinal[ˈɔ:dinl]n.序数,传令兵adj.顺序的,依次的 ordinal number序数 ordinal numeration顺序编号 ordinal relation 顺序关系 ordinal scale顺序量表 ordinal sum序数和 ordinal utility序数效用 ordinal variable次序变数 ordinal vote列序票 price limit order限价单stop order到价单 to order bill of lading指定收款人提单 today only order当日委托命令 |