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单词 晕头转向

晕头转向蒙头转向;昏头转向yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng

be all adrift; be befuddled; confused and disoriented; get dizzy in the head; go about in a daze;head spinning (/swimming); lose control of one’s senses;lose one’s bearings; lose one’s head
❍ 打仗不冒险还行。猛戳进去,准打他个~没招架。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》 353) Every battle has its risks. Let’s just slam into them. We’ll catch them off guard and knock them dizzy.
❍ 你晓得这几天简直把人忙得昏头转向的,就是给别的炉子订增产计划。(艾芜《百炼成钢》52) You know I’ve been as busy as hell these last few days. I’m getting dizzy in the head,helping other furnaces revise their plans for increased production.
❍ 吸收一些成天闷声不响,什么人不得罪,上了战场就昏头转向的人?(吴强 《红日》 206) These people don’t utter a sound all day,don’t offend anybody,but they lose their heads when they get on to the battlefield.
❍ 记得我在这次~受宠若惊的航程中,写下了一首谄媚的四言诗: ……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》342) I remember that I wrote a toadying poem while I was suffering from seasickness and overwhelmed with the honours that had been paid me on that voyage.


confused and disoriented;be thrown into confusion;getting dizzy

晕头转向yūn tóu zhuàn xiànɡ

晕头:头脑发昏;转向:迷失方向。形容头脑昏昏沉沉,不知道方向。confused and disoriented, lose one’s bearings, be all adrift, in a regular tizzy





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