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单词 oppose


1.set over against. place face to face with使相对,使面对。
△2H.VI.4.10.48(45):“Oppose thy steadfast-ga-zing eyes to mine.”尽管用你那直瞪瞪的双眼对着我
2. face,confront,offer resistance 面对,对抗,抵抗。
△1H.IV. 4.4.33:“Doubt not. my lord,they shall bewell opposed.”放心吧,大人.他们一定会遭到强劲抵抗的。
3. expose,exhibit暴露,显示。
△H.VIII. 4. 1.67: “op-posing freely The beauty of her person to the peo-ple.”把她那美丽的风姿充分展示给众人欣赏。
oppose the bolt: lock the door插上门栓,锁门。
△Lr. 2.4.179(176): “And in conclusion to oppose the bolt/Against my coming in. ” i. e. to prevent me fromcoming in by bolting the door; to refuse me admis-sion. 总而言之,插上门闩,拒我于门外。
~vb. refl.
oppose against: resist反对,抗拒。
△Gent.3.2.26:“she opposes her (i.e.herself) against my will”,她反抗我的意旨。
oppose oneself: set oneself up as opponent,offer re-sistance. undertake自命为敌手,作出抵抗,承担。
△2H.VI.5.1.155:“And such a piece of service will you do,/If you oppose yourselves to match Lord Warwick. ” 如果你胆敢和沃利克大人作对交手的话,你肯定也要立下这么一项战功的。


◇ oppose against sth.对照be opposed to反对,违反
‖ strongly oppose强烈反对
diametrically opposed to each other尖锐对立
opposed landing 敌前登陆
opposed shutter反相快门
opposing account相对账目
opposing aircraft敌机
opposing attack反攻
opposing base line对方的底线
opposing forces敌对双方部队
opposing nation敌国
opposing side对方
opposing team对方
opposing value对销价值
opposable adj. 可反对的,对面的
opposer n. 反对者
opposite[ˈɔpəzit]adj. 相对的,相反的,对等的,对称的,对立的
opposite accounts对方科目
opposite category逆范畴
opposite direction反向,敌对方向
opposite double-leg circle反向双腿全旋
opposite experiment对比实验
opposite idea反对意见
opposite leg异名腿,异侧腿
opposite number双方相应的队员
opposite routes对向进路,敌对进路
opposite sequence逆顺序
opposite sex异性
opposite side对边
opposite states相向国家
opposite term反对名词
opposite test反向检查,相对字测验
opposite transition反向跃迁
opposite vertical angle对顶角
blind opposition to everything foreign 盲目排外
leader of the opposition反对党领袖
opposition faction反对派
opposition fee异议费
opposition of propositions命题对立关系
opposition parry对抗防守
opposition party反对党
opposition thrust对抗刺
oppositional adj. 对称的,对照的
oppositionism n.反对论
oppositionist n.反对党人,反对派成员





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