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❶ (做; 作为) do; act: ~ 善 do good; 敢作敢 ~ act with daring; bold in action; 事在人 ~。 Human effort is the decisive factor.
❷ (充当) serve as; act as; play the part of: 指鹿 ~ 马 call a stag a horse; 以此 ~ 凭。 This will serve as a proof.
❸ (变成; 成) become; turn into: 人满 ~ 患 so crowded as to become a source of trouble; 化干戈 ~ 玉帛 turn hostility into friendship; 化整 ~ 零 break up the whole into parts; 一分 ~ 二。 One divides into two.
❹ (是) be; mean: 一公里 ~ 二华里。 One kilometre is equivalent to two li. 一百厘米 ~ 一米。 One hundred centimetres make one metre.
❺ (附于某些单音形容词后,表示程度、范围): 广 ~ 流传 spread far and wide; 深 ~ 感动 be deeply touched [moved]
❻ (附于某些表示程度的单音副词后,加强语气): 极 ~ 重要 most important; 尤 ~ 出色 particularly splendid Ⅱ (跟“所”字合用,表示被动) by: ~ 人所害 be murdered; ~ 贼所盗 be stolen by a thief; 不 ~ 表面现象所迷惑 not be confused by superficial phenomena Ⅲ [书] (常跟“何”相应,表示疑问): 何以妻 ~ ? What need have I of a wife? Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昆 Wei Kun
另见 see also wèi。
◆为德不卒 do a good deed [turn] not to the [a] finish; 为恶不悛 insist on doing evil without repentance; 为法自毙 cut one's own throat; get caught in one's own trap; get into trouble through schemes established by oneself; make a law only fall foul of it oneself; put one's neck in one's own trap; 为非作歹 do evil [harm]; break the law; carry on misdeeds; commit all sorts of crimes; commit crimes; do all sorts of evil; do mischief; engage in lawlessness; perpetrate [commit] all kinds of evils; perpetrate outrages; 为富不仁 be rich and cruel; be one of the heartless rich; 为官清正 be an incorrupt official; be a pure and upright officer; 为鬼为蜮 injure others in secret; sinister and vicious to hurt people in secret like the evil spirits; 为害非浅 It does a lot of damage [harm].; 为虺弗摧 prevent the evils from extending their influence; 为虺弗摧, 为蛇若何 eliminate the enemy when he is still weak; get rid of the evil doer as soon as possible [the sooner the better, before it is too late]; kill the snake while it is still young; 为民喉舌 be a person who speaks for the people; be the mouthpiece of the people; 为难 feel embarrassed; feel awkward; make things difficult for; 为期 (be completed) by a definite date; 为期不远 The day is not too distant when ...; in the near future; The day is in sight.; The day is not far off (when ...); The time set or expected is round the corner.; The time won't be long.; 为人 behave; conduct oneself; behaviour; conduct; 为人师表 be a model for others; be a model of virtue for others; 为人之道 the rules of conduct; 为山九仞, 功亏一篑 The lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-“ren” mountain.; A failure is still a failure even though it came very near to success.; 为善最乐 Doing good is the greatest source of happiness.; 为生 make a living; 为师不严, 误人子弟 act as tutors without being properly strict, and thus wrong their pupils; 为时过早 premature; too early; go off at halfcock; too soon; 为世诟病 become an object of public denunciation; 为首 with sb. as the leader; headed by; be the leader of; led by; 为数 amount to; number; 为数不多 be few in number; in negligible quantity; have only a small number; 为数甚多 be strong in number; in large quantity; numerous; 为所欲为 do as one pleases; act on one's own will; act wilfully; be free to do what one likes; be master of one's time; be one's own man; do everything freely; do just as (one) pleases; do whatever one likes [pleases]; do whatever one wants to do; have one's own way; have [take] one's (full) swing; stop at nothing; 为伍 associate with; 为限 be within the limit of; not exceed; be good for ... only; 为政不在多言 They that govern most, make the least noise.; 为政之道 the proper governance of a state; 为之担心 make oneself uneasy about ...; 为之动容 become interested and show so in one's facial expression; 为之津梁 serve as a bridge (ford); serve as a stepping stone; to bridge; 为之赧然 blush with shame; 为之倾倒 One's heart was captivated by ...; show extreme admiration (for ...); 为之神往 be carried away; be captivated; be fascinated; 为之心碎 break one's heart; 为之一新 give [take on] an entirely new complexion; impart a new spirit to; take on a new look; 为止 up to; till; 为重 attach most importance to; 为主 give first place to; give priority to; take sth. as the principal thing


[书] (帮助; 卫护) support; stand for; Ⅱ ❶ (表示行为的对象): ~ 人民服务 serve the people; ~ 农民唱歌 sing for the peasants; ~ 顾客着想 think about the interests of the customers; ~ 农村服务 serve the countryside
❷ (表示目的): ~ 实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the four modernizations; ~ 生活而写作 write for a living
❸ (表示原因): ~ 友谊干杯 toast our friendship; ~ 胜利而欢呼 hail a victory
❹ (对; 向): 不足 ~ 外人道 not worth speaking to others; 且 ~ 诸君言之。 Now I'll inform you about it.
另见 see also wéi。
◆为爱反害 kill with kindness; 为察奸情, 反得贼赃 So instead of evidence of immoral conduct, one had found stolen goods.; 为此 to this end; for this reason; for this purpose; in this connection; therefore; 为丛驱雀 drive the sparrows into the thickets — drive one's friends to the side of the enemy; drive birds into the deep forest; 为 ... 而 ... in order to; 为功所惑 be dazzled at success;
为国除害 rid the country of a scoundrel; remove the evil from the state; rid the country of a big scourge; rid the state of the evil;
为国除奸 weed the country of traitors;
为国而死, 虽死犹荣 die for our motherland is a glorious death.; 为国尽忠 die for one's country; sacrifice self for one's country; 为国捐躯 die for one's country; die for the sake of the country; lay down one's life for one's country; 为国为民 for the state and the people; 为国牺牲 sacrifice oneself for the country; 为国献身 dedicate one's life to the service of one's country; give one's life to the country; lay down one's life for the fatherland; 为国效劳 render one's services to the country; labour for the country; 为国争光 win honour for the country [motherland]; reflect credit on one's country; struggle for the glory of the country; win glory for the motherland; 为好成仇 kill with kindness; 为何 why; for what reason; 为虎傅翼 add wings to a tiger — lend support to a rebel; add to the influence of a villain; assist an evildoer; give wings to a tiger — help a villain do evil; lend support to an evildoer like adding wings to a tiger; lend wings to a tiger — lend support to the evildoers; 为虎作伥 play the jackal to the tiger; abet one's enemy; act as the paws of the tiger; assist the evildoer; hold a candle to the devil; help an evil man (do evil); help a villain do evil; help the tiger to pounce on [upon] its victims; 为客把盏 offer a cup of wine to the guest; 为了 for; for the sake of; in order to; 为民除害 get rid of an evil for the people; cut off evildoers; do away with the things that are harmful to the people; help people get rid of a scourge; remove the evils from the people; rid people of a scourge; rid the country of a pest; rid the people of an evil; 为民平愤 redress the grievances of the people; 为民请命 plead for the people; plead for the life of the people; plead in the name of the people; 为民兴利 work for the welfare of the people; 为民造福 bring benefits to the people; 为名为利 run after fame and gain; seek fame and wealth; 为谱配词 set words to music; 为 ... 起见 for...'s sake; in order to; 为人说项 speak for sb.; 为人所不齿 unmentionable; beneath contempt; disreputable; infamous; be spoken only to one's shame; 为人张目 serve the schemes of sb.; 为人着想 show thought for others; be considerate of others; 为人作冰 come with proposals of marriage on behalf of sb.; act as a matchmaker [go between]; 为人作嫁 sew sb. else's trousseau; busy oneself with helping other people; doing work for others with no benefit to oneself; play into the hands of sb. [sb.'s hands]; render sb. a service; run [go] (on) errands for sb.; toil just for the benefit of others; work [labour] for others with no benefit to oneself; 为什么 why; why is it that; how is it that; 为生而食, 不为食而生 eat to live, but not live to eat; 为诗谱曲 set a poem to music; 为我之物 {哲} thing-for-us; 为小失大 sell one's birthright for a pottage of lentils; lose a lot to save a little; 为...效劳 devote oneself to carrying out ...; 为学而学 learn ... for the sake of learning; 为艺术而艺术 art for art's sake; 为渊驱鱼 drive the fish into deep waters; drive one's friends to the side of the enemy; 为渊驱鱼, 为丛驱雀 drive the fish into deep waters and the sparrows into the thickets; drive one's friends to the side of the enemy;
为冤结仇 be enemies because of a grievance; 为着 for; in order to; 为...争光 win honour for ...; be a credit to ...; 为 ...争气 be a credit to ...; live up to sb.'s expectations





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