opportune[ˈɔ:pətju:n]adj.及时的,凑巧的 ‖ opportune time有利时机 opportunism n.机会主义,投机主义/“Left” Opportunism “左”倾机会主义 opportunist n.机会主义者,投机取巧者 opportunistic adj. 机会主义的“Right” Opportunism “右”倾机会主义 opportunity[ˈɔpətju:niti]n.机会,机遇,时机 ◇ afford an opportunity给予机会 choose a good opportunity选择良机 give sb. an opportunity to do sth.给某人干某事的机会 have an opportunity for doing sth.有机会做某事 improve the opportunity利用机会,抓住机会 seize an opportunity抓住机会 opportunity class补习班 opportunity cost机会费用,机会成本 opportunity cost value机会成本值 opportunity factor机会因素 opportunity fire临时射击 opportunity identification机会识别 opportunity interest机会利率 opportunity loss择机代价,择机损失 opportunity of education教育机会 opportunity of learning学习机会 opportunity sampling随机取样 opportunity school补习学校 opportunity structure机会结构opportunity target临时目标 |