释义 |
oftad. often,frequently常常,频频。 △As.3.5.106:“but I have met him oft,”不过我常遇见他。 △Tw.3.146(40): “the fool should be as oft with your master aswith my mistress.”傻子应该常常留在你主人家里,正像常常在我家小姐这里一样。 △Rom.2.3.81:“Thou chid' st meoft for loving Rosaline.”i.e. You reproved me oftenfor loving Rosaline. 你常常因为我爱罗瑟琳而责备我。 △R.III.2.2.3: “Why do you weep so oft,and beatyour breast,/ And cry,‘O Clarence,my unhappyson’?”你为什么常常哭泣,并且捶打胸膛,叫喊“啊,克拉仑斯,我的不幸的儿子”? as oft as: as soon as一…就… △1H.IV.3.1.8: “Forby that name as oft as Lancaster / Doth speak of you,his cheek looks pale,”因为兰开斯特一提起你的这个绰号,他的脸色就吓得苍白。 |