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❶ (不好的;使人不满意的) bad: ~ 书 a bad [harmful] book;~ 天气 foul weather;~ 透了 downright bad;rotten to the core;~ 习惯 bad habit
❷ (程度深,多用在表示心理状态的动词或形容词后面) badly;awfully;very: 乐 ~ 了 be wild with joy;be crazy with delight;
累 ~ 了 be dead tired ;be dog-tired;
气 ~ 了 be beside oneself with rage;
吓 ~ 了 be badly scared Ⅱ ❶ (变成不健全、无用、有害) go bad;spoil;ruin: 机器 ~ 了。 The machinery broke down. 他身体 ~ 了。 His health has broken down. 鱼 ~了。 The fish has gone bad.
❷ (使变坏) spoil;destroy: ~ 了大事 spoil an important affair;
他这个人成事不足,~ 事有余。 He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things. Ⅲ (坏主意) evil idea;dirty trick: 使 ~ play a dirty trick;
一肚子 ~ full of tricks
◆坏包儿 [口] rascal;rogue;
坏边 bad selvedge;
坏处 harm;disadvantage;
坏蛋 [口] bad egg;scoundrel;bastard;bad hat;
坏东西 bastard;scoundrel;rogue;
坏分子 {律} bad element;evildoer;
坏话 malicious remarks;vicious talk;unpleasant words;
坏话传千里 Bad news has wings.;
坏疽 {医} thanatosis;gangrene;gangrenosis;
坏良心 heartless;a depraved conscience;
坏人 bad person;evildoer;scoundrel;
坏人当道 The bad persons were in power.;Evildoers hold sway.;
坏人坏事 evildoers and bad [evil] deeds;evildoers and wrongdoings;bad people and bad things;
坏入骨髓 rotten to the core;
坏事 bad thing;evil deed;ruin sth.;make things worse;
坏事做绝 commit terrible crimes without end;committed every evil;did all kinds of evil things;did all manner of evil;stop at no evil;stop at nothing in committing all kinds of evil;
坏死 {医} necrosis;thanatosis;
坏透坏绝 be shocking [shockingly] bad;
坏心眼儿 [口] evil intention;ill will;
坏血病 scorbutus;scurvy;
坏字 {刷} batter





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