释义 |
obsequiesn. (pl.) funeral or burial rites for the dead丧礼,葬礼。 △Rom.5.3.16: “The obsequies that I forthee will keep / Nightly shall be to strew thy graveand weep.”我为你举行的丧礼,便是每夜到你墓前撒花哭泣。 △Ham.5.1.248 (226): “Her obsequies have been asfar enlarged / As we have warranty.”我们在所能得到准许的范围之内,对她的葬仪给予极大的通融了。 △ 3H.VI.1.4.147:“These tears are my sweet Rutland’s obsequies,And every drop cries vengeance for his death”.我这些眼泪就是为亲爱的卢特兰举行的葬礼,每一滴泪都呼喊着要为他的死报仇。 mean obsequies: common funeral rites. vulgar showof love or piety to the dead普通的丧礼,庸俗的哀悼表示。 △2H.VI.3.2.146: “But all in vain are these mean obsequies,”但是这一切普通的丧礼(又译:庸俗的哀悼表示)都是丝毫无用的。 |