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单词 海阔天空

海阔天空hǎi kuò tiān kōng

as boundless (/unbounded) as the sea and sky; as free as the sea and the sky; unrestrained and far-ranging;a wide untrammelled world
❍ 她正也忙着替四小姐设想那不可知的将来,——~的将来,充满着强烈鲜艳的色彩。(茅盾《子夜》) Just now she was busying herself with plans for Huifang’s future,a beautiful,exciting future as free as the sea and the sky,a future with boundless possibilities.
❍ ~遥望将来的梦想,也渐渐衰退下去。她感到沉闷、窒息。(杨沫《青春之歌》96) Her dreams of the future,once as unbounded as the sea and sky,were also fading away,leaving her depressed and frus trated.
❍ 傍晚,我们一起漫步在农场的北海滩,~地畅谈着。(史汉富《朝霞》) That evening we got together to go for a stroll along the beach on the northern edge of the farm. We were talking at random: …/勇复基不知道他们~谈些什么,一会儿东一会儿西,叫他摸不着头脑。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—472) All this high-level conversation of theirs was going far above Yong Fuji’s head and he could make nothing of it,especially since they kept changing the subject from one thing to another like this.
❍ 海阔从鱼跃,天空任鸟飞。(《诗语总龟》引唐·僧玄览) The wide sea allows the fish to leap about and the vast sky the birds to fly.
❍ 夜空里,繁星缀满蓝天,较之置身在不见天日、身子不能立直的掩蔽部里,这时候,他们真是回到~的世界里来了。(吴强《红日》5) To be under the blue night sky,crowded with stars,after being cramped up in the sunless gloom of the shelter,was for them at this moment to return to a wide untrammelled world.


as boundless as the sea and sky;unrestrained and far-ranging

海阔天空hǎi kuò tiān kōnɡ

形容大海广阔,无边无际;比喻心胸开阔,无拘无束;也比喻议论或想象漫无边际,抓不住重点。as boundless as the sea and sky, unrestrained and far-ranging, endlessly vast





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