noticen. 1. observation,attention观察,注意。 △As.1.1.147(139): “I had myself notice of my brother's purposeherein.”我自己也注意到我兄弟的意图。 2. regard,recognition考虑,承认。 △Lr.2.4.251 (248):“to no more / Will I give place or notice.”再多,我就不给住处,也不承认。 3. record,account记录,报表。 △H.V.4.7.123(117):“Bring me just notice of the numbers dead / On bothour parts.” i.e. the numbers of the dead on bothsides. 把我们双方阵亡人数的准确报告带来给我。 4. intelligence情报。 △2H.IV.1.3.84:“But who issubstituted against the French,/ I have no certain no-tice.”但是谁被指派去打法国人,我还没有得到确切消息。 △2H.VI.3.1.369: “And undiscovered come to meagain,/ And given me notice of their villainies.”未被发觉,然后再回到我这里,把敌人胡作非为的情报告诉我。 5. information通知。 △Rom.5.2.25(26):“Romeo /Hath had no notice of these accidents:”罗米欧对于这些事情没有得到通知。 notice[ˈnəutis]n.通知,布告,声明,告示 ◇ at short notice短期付款通知,一等通知立即 be beneath one’s notice不值得 bring sb.’s notice被某人看到 give public notice通告 have notice接到通知 sit up and take notice突然注意到发生的事 take no notice没注意 ‖ letter of notice通知单 notice board布告牌 notice day通知日期 notice deposit通知存款 notice for sea出海准备通知 notice loan通知贷款 notice of a call催款通知 notice of abandonment委付通知,委付通知书,弃权通知 notice of acceptance承兑通知 notice of arrival到货通知单 notice of assessment详税通知书 notice of cancellation注销通知 Notice of Change of Interest Rate利率调整通知书 notice of circumstances preventing delivery无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport无法运货通知 notice of claim索赔通知 notice of claim clause索赔条款通知 notice of compliance with the award愿执行仲裁裁决的通知 notice of default不履行合同声明书 notice of defect索赔通知 notice of deficiency补填税单通知书 notice of delay延迟交款通知 notice of delivery收据 notice of delivery paid已付款收货通知单 notice of discharge职位撤销通知书 notice of discontinuance中止诉讼通知书 notice of dishonor拒付证书,拒付通知,退票通知书 notice of exemption免税通知书 notice of intended prosecution拟提起公诉通知书 notice of intention of defend打算出庭辩护通知书 notice of intention to appeal上诉意向书 notice of intention to deliver交割意向通知 notice of invitation for bids招标公告notice of loss or damage损失或损害通知 notice of meeting开会通知 notice of payment付款通知书 notice of produce出示文件通知书 notice of readiness战备通知 notice of resignation辞职通知 notice of suspension of payments中止付款通知书 notice of tax payment纳税通知书 notice of transfer过户启事 notice of withdrawal of bonds债务清偿通告 Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listing in Overseas Markets境外发行股票和上市管理通知 notice price通知价格 notice to airmen飞行通报 notice to draw fund提款通知 notice to quit迁出通知书 notice to suspend payment暂停付款通知 notice to take-delivery提款通知书 notice to pay付款通知书 obituary notice讣闻 public notice公告 short notice提前很短时间的通知 noticeable[ˈnəutisəbl]adj.显而易见的 noticeable deceleration显著减速 notifiable adj. notifiable interest须具报权益 notifiable percentage level须具报百分率水平 notifiable transaction须予公布的交易 notification n.通知(书)letter of notification通知书 notification for general information通报 notification of receipt收款通知书 Notification of Resignation辞职通知书,退休通知书 Notification to Relinquish Existing Civil Service Housing Benefits放弃现有公务员住房福利通知书 notified party被通知方 notifier n. 通知人,通告人 notify[ˈnəutifai]v.通报,注意 notify bill of letter预先通知提单 notify credit信用证通知 notify orally口头通知 notify party到货受通知人,受通知人 notifying bank通知银行,留意,观察 |