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timen. 1. years of one’s life. age年岁,年纪。 △Gent. 2. 7. 48:“greater time”.i. e.more years. older in age 年纪更大一此。 △ Rom. 4. 1. 60: “thy long-experienced time,”i. e. your wisdom of age. 你的多年的阅历。 △Lr. 1.1.298 (295):“The best and soundest of his time hathbeen but rash:” 他在最好、最健全的年岁时也是鲁莽的。 △2H.IV. 2. 1. 74 (66):“Doth this become ( = befit) your place,your time,and business?”这跟你的地位、你的年纪、你的职位适合吗? 2. lifetime,duration of being in this world,workinglife 一生,寿命,劳碌的一生。 △As. 2. 7. 142: “And oneman in his time plays many parts,/ His acts beingseven ages. ”一个人在一牛中扮演着好几个角色,他的表演可以分为七个时期。 △Oth.1.1.47: “Wears out his time, much like his master’s ass,/ For nought but provender,”消耗了一生,活像主人的驴子,只为了一把草料。 △Oth.1.1. 162(161): “And what’s to come of my despisedtime/Is nought but bitterness.” (my despised time:the rest of my life,in which people will look withscorn on me)我这受人鄙视的余生就只剩下辛酸,此外什么也没有了。 △1H.IV.3.2. 151: “Yea,even the slightestworship of his time,”是的,哪怕他一生中最微小的荣誉也不放过。 3. period of life人生时期,人生阶段。 △Mer.1.1.130(129):“my time something too prodigal”,我过去挥金如土的时光。 4. prime青春,壮年。 △Rom.4.4.11: “Ay,you have been a mouse-hunt in your time,”是呀,你年轻的时候就是追女人的好手。 5. present period现时代。 △Lr.4.1.46: “’Tis the time’s plague,when madmen lead the blind.”疯子领着瞎子走,乃是这个时代的灾难。 6. present moment 目前时刻。 △Lr.5.3. 235 (234):“The time will not allow the compliment/Which very manners urges.”这样的时刻不容许我们讲究文雅举止所不可缺少的礼节。 7. present circumstances,present state of affairs目前境况,现今事态。 △2H.IV.1.1. 9:“The times are wild,”时局动荡不安。 △2H.IV.1.3.110: “We are time’s subjects. and time bids be gone.”我们是受时势支配的人,时势命令我们立刻动身。 △R.III.5.3.98 (97): “the leisure and the fearful time / Cuts off the ceremonious vows of love”,紧迫的时间和令人忧虑的形势打断了礼貌上的倾诉衷曲。 △Lr.5.3. 31 (30): “Know thou this,that men Are as the time is;”你要知道,人总要识时务。 8. the age in which one lives,temporary life; (hence) world,society一个人生活的时代,人生;(转义)人世,社会 △Mac.1.5.64 (63): “To beguile the time,/Look like the time;” 要欺骗世人,必须做出和世人一样的神情。 △Mac.4.3.72:“the time you may so hoodwink.”这样你就可以蒙骗住世人。 △Mac.5.7.53 (5.8.24): “And live to be the show and gaze o’ the time.”i.e.to be the object of show and gaze of the world. 活着当展览品,让世人观看。 △Ham.3.1.70 (69): “bear the whips and scorns of time,”忍受时代(又译:人世)的鞭挞和嘲弄。 9. one’s contemporaries,the people 当代人,人民。 △Mac.5.7.84 (5.9.21): “the time is free.” i.e. The people now enjoy liberty. 国人得到自由了。 10. men,people around one人们,周围的人们。 △R.III.5.3.93 (92): “With best advantage will deceive the time,”我要尽可能找机会蒙骗我周围那些人们。 11. period of history,era,age历史时期,时代。 △1H.IV.1.2.173 (156): “for the poor abuses of the time want countenance.”因为在这种年头,不景气的歪门邪道正需要贵人赞助。 △H.V.2.4.83: “the ordinance of times,” i.e. the established usage of ages; the time-honoured law.年代久远的惯例。 12. precise moment of time,particular set of circumstances 一定的时刻,特殊的情境。 △Ham.4.7. 111: “But that I know love is begun by time,”不过我知道爱心是时间引起的。 13. course of events,season proper or appropriated to something事态发展,合适时候。 △1H.IV.4.2.60 (54):“’tis more than time that I were there,and you too,but my powers are there already.”我早就该到那里了,你也一样,不过我的部队已经到那里了。 △H.VIII.5.1.35:“further,sir,/Stands in the gap and trade of moe preferments,/With which the time will load him.”此外,先生,他现在身居要津,有的是肥缺,又走上更多升迁的坦途,到时候好机会都会一一给他的。 14. occasion 时机。 △Tw. 3.1.71 (63 ): “and the time;”以及时机。 15. fortune命运。 △H.VIII. 5. 1. 19 (20): “The fruit she goes with/I pray for heartily,that it may find/ Good time(i.e. good fortune,or,good time to be born),and live;”我衷心为她所孕育的果实而祈祷,但愿它能在吉日良辰诞生并且成活。 16. eventuality,emergency不测事件,紧急情况。 △Lr.5.1.54:“We will greet the time.”i.e. We will meet the emergency. 我们会迎上去对付紧急情况的。 17. lifetime,life,i.e.reign 一生,(指)统治。 △1H.IV.3.2.36: “The hope and expectation of thy time/ Isruined,and the soul of every man/ Prophetically doforethink thy fall.”i.e. every man in his innermostbeing expects that you will be ruined. 大家对你一生的希望和期待都化为泡影,每个人从心灵里都在预测你的倾覆。 18. musical measure(音乐)节拍。 △Oth.4.1.93 (92):“But yet keep time in all.”i.e. But be controlled or restrained. 但要注意克制。(又译:要看准时机。) Phrases & Expressions: at a time: at some time,on some occasion在某个时候,在某种场合下。 △Oth.2.3.320 (313): “You,or any man living,may be drunk at a time,man.”你,或者任何活人,总会有喝醉的时候。 fair (good) time of day: good day日安,白天好。 △H.V.5.2.2: “Unto our brother France (i.e.the King of France),and to our sister (i.e.the Queen of France),/Health and fair time of day;”对于我们的法兰西皇兄和王嫂,谨祝健康安好。 give the time of day: exchange the day’s greetings, say good morning相互问好,问早安。 △2H.VI.3.1. 13:“But meet him now,and,be it in the morn,/ Wheneveryone will give the time of day,/He knits hisbrow and shows an angry eye,/And passeth by withstiff unbowed knee,”但是你现在碰见他,哪怕是在早晨,人人都要互相问个好,他却皱着眉头、怒目而视,膝盖直挺挺地也不弯下就走过去。 in good time: ❶at the right moment,opportunely, aptly正是时候,及时地,恰当地。 △R.III.2.1.45:“And in good time,/ Here comes Sir Richard Ratcliffe and the Duke. ” 恰好,理查· 拉特克里夫爵士和公爵来了。 △R.III.3.1.24: “And in good time,here comes the sweating lord. ”真巧,这位大人流着汗来了。 △Gent.1.3.44:”And in good time!now will we break with him.”他来得正是时候! 我们现在就要对他谈谈。 ❷on a seasonable occasion,in the near future在一个恰好的时机,在不久的将来。 △H.V. 5. Ch. 31:“As in good time he may,fromIreland coming,”也可能在不久的将来,从爱尔兰归来。small time: short lifetime短短的一生。 △H.V.5.2.407(Epil. 5): “Small time,but in that small mostgreatly lived/ This star of England.”(Henry V diedat 35,after a reign of nine years,1413-1422.) 短短的一生,但在这短暂之中却有一颗英国的明星曾发出了万丈光芒。(又译:短短的时间,但在这短短的时间里要演出一颗英国的明星的光辉事迹。) state of time: state of the times,state of affairs时局,事态。 △1H.IV. 4. 1.25:“I would the state of time hadfirst been whole / Ere he by sickness had been visi-ted,”我真希望他能够等到时局稳定下来之后再害病不迟。take the time: seize the opportunity 抓住机会。 △3H. VI. 5. 1. 48: “Come,Warwick,take the time,kneel down,kneel down.” (Proverb: “Take timewhen time comes.”)来,沃里克,抓住机会,跪下吧,跪下吧。take time: take one’s time从从容容地干。 △3H.VI.14. 108:“And whilst we breathe,take time to do himdead.”我们一边休息,一边从从容容把他杀死。 the time has been: ❶ there was a time从前有过那么一个时候。 △Mac. 3. 4. 78 (77): “The time has beenThat,when the brains were out,the man would die,/And there an end;”从前有过那么一个时候,脑袋打破,人就死了,事情也就了结。 ❷there was a time when... 从前有过那么 一个时候。 △ Mac. 5. 5. 10: “The time has been,mysenses would have cooled / To hear a night-shriek;”i. e. when my senses would have turned cold to hear ashriek in the night.从前我曾经听见一声夜间的号叫就吓得浑身发冷。 the times: these times,the present age,the presentor existing circumstances当代,当前情况。 △2H.IV. 1. 370:“as the times do brawl,” i.e. in view of the pres-ent disturbances,in these violent times. 由于当前争斗四起。 time and the hour: time which is made up of. orcounted by,hours; time and tide; time and the righthour or opportunity (以时刻组成或计算的)时间;时与潮;时间与机会。 △Mac. 1. 3. 146:“Come what come may,/Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”要发生什么就发生什么,最多事的日子总会慢慢度过。 time enough: in time及时。 △ Com. 4. 1. 41:“No,bear it with you,lest I come not time enough.”不,你带着吧,因为我也许不能及时赶到那里。 time enough to go to bed with a candle: (an evasiveanswer) either before dark or after dark: sometimetonight有的是时间点起蜡烛上床;大概今天晚上吧。 △1H.IV.2. 1. 48 (43): “Time enough to go to bed with a can-dle,I warrant thee.”我告诉你,反正到那时候总能点起蜡烛上床。 time of scorn: scornful world,scornful age心存轻蔑的世人,充满轻蔑的时代。 △ Oth. 4. 2. 52 (53):“tomake me / The fixed figure for the time of scorn / Topoin t his slow unmoving finger at!”叫我在这充满轻蔑的时代,做了世人拿指头不断指指点点的对象! what time: at the time when在那时。 △3H.VI.2. 5.3:“What time the shepherd,blowing of his nails,Can neither call it perfect day nor night.”在那时,牧羊人往自己的指头上呵气,说不清那究竟是大白天还是夜晚。 time时间衡量万事万物持续性和阶段性的概念,是一切变化的基本参数。时间为过去、现在和将来的万事万物提供衡量刻度、测定变化速率。直觉地看,时间对任何观察者来说似乎都朝着同一方向不停地流动。然而,爱因斯坦的相对论则认为,时间流逝的速率(如钟所衡量的)对处于不同参照系但以恒速运动的观察者来说是不同的。根据时间膨胀作用,如果两个观察者以恒速运动,彼此都会认为对方的时间过得慢。很久以来,地球上时间的测量基于对天体的观察——地球自转一周的时间为天,绕太阳转一圈的时间为年。在现代科学中,时间的基本单位是秒。秒是依据同位素在特定转变时所发出的辐射频率来确定的。参见caesium clock条。 time[taim]n. 时间,次数,比赛限时,期限,节拍,拍子,速度 v. 定时 ◇ abreast of the times 符合时代要求的 all in good time 及时 all the time 始终,一直 as time goes on 随着时间的推移 at a time 一次,每一次,在某个时刻,一度 at all times 总是,经常 at any time 随时,在任何时候 at no time 决不,在任何情况下 at one time 一度,从前 at that time 在那时,但是 at the same time 同时 at the time of 在…时候 at times有时,不时 be pressed for time 时间紧迫 before one’s time 提前 before the times 在时代前列 behind the times 落后,过时 behind time 为时已晚 between times 有时,偶尔 bid time 重要的,第一次的 bid one’s time 等待时机 by the time 在…之前,到…时候 by this time 到这个时候,到现在,到此刻 every time 每次,每当 for a along time 长时间 for a short time 短时间 for a time 暂时 for the time being 暂时 from time immemorial 自古以来 from time to time 有时 gain time 走得快 go with the times 随大流,赶时髦 half the time 长时间地,一半时间 have a rough time 吃苦受难 have a whale of a time 玩得痛快,过得愉快 have no time for sth.不需要,厌恶 have no time for sth.不需要,不喜欢,对…不耐烦 heaps of times 无数次地 high time 该是…时候了 in good time 及时,迅速地 in no time 立刻,马上 in one’s own good time 在方便的时候 in sb.’s time 在某人一生中,早晚,总有一天 in the same time 乐曲的等速 in time 及时 in time to come 将来 it is time 是…的时候了,现该…了 keep good time 走得准 kill time 消磨时光 last time 上次 lose time 走得慢 make time 腾出时间 many a time 多次,常常,当今的 of the time当代的 on one’s own time 八小时以外的时间 on time 准时 once upon a time 从前 one at a time 每次一个,逐一的 out of time不合时宜 some time or other 迟早 take one’s time 从容进行,乘…之便 take one’s time by the fore luck 抓住时机 take time off离开工作 take time out to do 暂停下来做…time and again 屡次,反复,不断地 time enough 还早 Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金 time limit 期限 time of life 年龄 time off 离开 time out 暂停,暂休 to time 按规定的时间 up to time 准时 watch one’s time 等待 ‖ time after sight 见票后若干日 time allotment时间分配 time allowed 时间宽限 time-and-motion study 时动研究 time arbitrage 时间套利 time at bat 上场击球时间 time bar 时间限制 time bargains 定期交易 time base 扫描基线 time bill 定期汇票 time bill of exchange 远期汇票 time bomb 定时炸弹 time cards 工时记录卡,计时卡 time certificate 定期存单 time certificate of deposit 定期存款票据 time charter 定期租船合同 time check lamp 报时灯 time clock 计时钟 time concept 时间概念 time control 时间控制,时限 time copy 排好版待用的报刊稿件 time correlation 时间关联 time cost estimates 时间成本估计 time counting 计时 time credit 远期信用证 time delay circuit 延时电路 time delay simulation 延时仿真 time deposit 定期存款 time deposit account定期存款账户 time deposit certificate 定期存单 time difference 时差 time difference time effect 时间效应时差 time dilation 时间膨胀 time discount 现金折扣 time domain analysis 时域分析法 time draft 定期汇票 time earning 定期收益 time effect 时效 time exposure 定时曝光 time factor 时间因素 time fire 定时射击 time for individual lap 分圈时间 time for payment 纳税期限,付款期限 time frame 时间框架 time fuse 定时引信,定时导火索 time hit 及时刺 time hull insurance 船舶定期保险 time immemorial 不能追忆期 time indicator 计时器 time insurance 定期保险 time interest earned 已获得的计时利息 time keeper 计时员,考勤钟 time-keeping device 计时器 time kicking 打腿计时 time lag 时差 time letter of credit 远(定)期信用证 time limit 时间限制,限期 time limit for notice of dishonor 拒绝承兑证书的期限 time limitation of personal income tax payment 个人所得税纳税期限 time limitation on overdue payment 补税期限 time-limit procedure 时限法 time-limited project 有时限的工作 time line 历史大事年表 time loan 定期贷款 time loans secured 定期担保放款 time management 时间管理 time-measuring device 计时装置 time meter计时器 time money 定期贷款 time note 期票 time of balance 平衡动作时间 time of delivery 交货期 time of demurrage 滞期时间 time of effect 有效期 time of flight 飞行时间 time of life 年龄 time of maturity 票据支付期 time of payment 付款时间 time of service 服役期 Time of Troubles 多事之秋 time of turnover 周转期 time-off 补假 time-off in lieu 补假作偿 time order 定期订单 time orientation 时间取向 time-out for rest 休息暂停 time-out for substitution 换人暂停 time-out watch 暂停计时表 time-plus-poundage system 小重量多次数训练方法 time over target 飞临目标上空时间 time payment 分期付款 time payment debts定期偿还的债款 time penalty 离场处罚 time perception 时间知觉 time perspective 时间透视 time piece 计时表 time policy 保险单 time pricing 时间定价 time provision in contracts 合同中的时间条款 time pull 划水计时 time purchase 分期付款购买 time rate计时工资,时薪 time reflection symmetry 时间反转对称 time run 计时跑 time sale 分期付款销售 time sample 时间样本 time sampling 定时取样 time-sampling analysis 时间抽样分析 time scale 年资薪级 time schedule 时间进度表 time-serving 机会主义 time sense 时间感觉 time sense apparatus 时感器 time sequence 时间序列 time series 时间数列,时间序列 time series analysis 时间数列分析,时间表 time service 报时业务 time-serving morality 迎合世风的道德 time shell 空炸炮弹 time shipment 定期运装 time sight bill 见票后定期汇票 time signal 报时信号 time space 时间空间,四维空间 time-space analysis 时空分析 time spirit 时代精神 time stopped 时间暂停 time study 时间研究 time tariff of transportation 计时运价 time tested method 经过时间考验的方法 time threshold 时间阈 time thrust 及时刺 time trial 计时,计时赛 time trouble 时间紧迫 time utility 时间效用 time value of currency (money)货币时间价值 time value of option 期权时间价值 time wages 计时工资 time warrant 定期库券 time warrant payable 应付定期库券 time wasting 拖延战术,延误比赛时间 time wasting tactics 拖延战术 time wasting tactics 拖延战术 time zone 时区 times at hat 上场击球次数 timed circuit system 定时轮换法 timed delivery 计时投弹 timed run 计时跑 timed test 限时测验 timing and score keeping 计时记分 timing blasting fuze 定时起爆引信 timing clock乐曲时钟 timing device 报时装置,计时器 timing equipment 计时器 timing mechanism定时机构 timing regulations 时间通则 timing signal generator 定时信号发生器 timeless n. 永恒的,长期有效的,无时间限制的 timeless present 永远的现在,无穷的现在,随波逐流的 timeliness n. 时效性 timely adj.及时的 timely and appropriate 适时适度 timely delivery guaranteed 交货及时 timely departures 正点发车 timely error 关键性失误 timely hit 适时安打 timer n. 定时器,计时器,报时器,计时员,记时员 timer device 定时装置 timetable n. 时刻表,时间表,课程表 v. 安排…的时间,记录…的时间,计时,定时 time-tested adj. 久经考验的 the Times(英国) 《泰晤士报》 |