nativityn. 1. birth诞生,产生。 △1H.IV.3.1.13: “At my nativi-ty”,在我诞生时。 △1H.VI.5.4.26:“Now cursed be thetime / Of thy nativity!” 你诞生的时间是该受诅咒的! △Mid.3.2.124:“and vows so born./ In their nativity all truth appears.” i.e. When vows are so born.the nature of their birth makes their sincerity mani-fest. 这样产生的誓言,完全可以表明是出自真心实意。 2. birth,conjunction of stars at birth (bearing on thedestiny of the person born)诞生,(一个人诞生时的)星辰会合(影响其一生命运)。 △3H.VI.4.6.33: “To whom theheavens in thy nativity / Adjudged an olive branchand laurel crown,” (olive branch: symbol of peace;laurel crown: symbol of military victory.)在你诞生之时上天就已经授予你橄榄枝和桂冠。 3. birth. i.e. nationality出生,(意指)国籍。 △As.4.137 (35):“be out of love with your nativity,”对于你出生的乡土没有好感。 nativity[nəˈtiviti]n. 出生,(the Nativity)基督降生 ‖ Nativity of the Virgin圣诞节(12月25日) |