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单词 吹吹打打

吹吹打打chuī chuī dǎ dǎ

beat drums and blow trumpets; piping and drumming; make a great fanfare; the musicians strike up
❍ 而且他们还提高嗓子在叫: “我们是一贯主张宪政的呀!” ~,好不热闹。(《毛泽东选集》693) They are even shouting at the top of their voices,“We have always stood for constitutional government!” and making a terrific din.
❍ 后面跟着六个吹鼓手,~,引着一顶蓝轿,和一顶红缎子绣金的花轿; …… (袁静《新儿女英雄传》16) He was followed by six musicians blowing for all they were worth. In back of them was a blue sedan-chair. Behind it was a bride's red sedan-chair,covered with red satin and gold filigree…/自然两个人要~做起来了。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》107) Naturally the pair of them will be launching into their campaign with colours flying and drums beating.

吹吹打打chuī chuī dǎ dǎ

指乐器合奏。也比喻着意渲染,引人注意。piping and drumming, beating drums and blowing trumpets, make a great fanfare





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