释义 |
confervi. discourse. talk,discuss,converse谈论,谈话.讨论,交谈。 △Lr.1.2.100(90): “If your honour judgeit meet,I will place you where you shall hear us con-fer of this,”要是大人觉得合适,我可以把你安置在一个地方,让你听得见我们两人谈论这件事情。 △Shr.5.2.103(102):“They sit conferring by the parlour fire.”她们在客厅炉边坐着谈话呢。 △1H.VI.5.4 100: “And here at handthe Dauphin and his train / Approacheth,to conferabout some matter.”法国太子和他的随行人员很快就要到来谈判有关问题。 △3H.VI.5.6.6: “Sirrah,leave us toourselves; we must confer.”喂,请离开我们一下;我们要谈话。 △R.III.1.3.35:“Did you confer with him?”你们跟他谈话了吗? confer[kənˈfə:]v.商讨,商议,参照,比较,授予(学位等),(师生)交换意见 ‖ confering of academic titles评职称 conference[ˈkɔnfərəns]n.讨论,会谈,讨论会,会议,(学位等的)授予 ◇have a conference with和…商议,与…讨论 alumni officers conference校友干事会议 Bandung Conference万隆会议(1955年)/business conference业务会议 Cairo Conference开罗会议(1945年)/ closed conference秘密会议 Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs反对原子弹氢弹会议 conference call电话会议 conference center会议中心 conference communications会议通信设备 conference notice会议公告 Conference of Central Securities Depositories(CCSD)中央证券存管处国际会议 conference of class leaders班主任会 conference on disarmament裁军谈判会议 Conference on Disarmament in Europe (CDE)欧洲裁军会议 conference on methodology(联合)教学小组的例会 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)欧洲安全合作会议 conference papers会议文献 conference report会议报告 conference tourism会议旅游 conference trip会议旅游 Geneva Conference日内瓦会议(1954年)/ Imperial Conference帝国会议(1911年)/ in conference在讨论中 international conference center国际会议中心 International Materials Conference 国际材料会议 International Maritime Conference 国际海运会议 on-the-spot conference现场会议 Paris Peace Conference巴黎和会(1919年)/pedagogical conference教育讨论会 planning conference计划会议 Potsdam Conference波茨坦会议(1945年)/ reader’s conference读书会 religion’s conference宗教会议 review conference审查会议 round table conference圆桌会议 Tehran Conference德黑兰会议(1943年)/Washington Conference华盛顿会议(1921年)conferee n. 参加会议者 conferment n. 比较,参考,参看 conferrable adj.能授予的 conferer n. 授予人 conferree[ˌkɔnfəˈri:]n.参加会议者,被授予学位的人 confess[kənˈfes]v.坦白,交代,供认,承认,忏悔 ◇ confess after torture屈打成招 confess oneself to be guilty服罪 confess the corn认错,承认事实 confess to承认 confess without being pressed不打自招 ‖ confess and avoid承认所控告的事实但又有异议的答辩 confessed adj. 已认罪的,公认的 confessedly adv.公开表明地,肯定地 confessor n.坦白者,忏悔者 confession n.承认,忏悔 confession of defence辩护状词 confession of extort逼供 confess one’s crime招认 confessional adj.公开声明的,坦白的,招供的 confessionary n.忏悔室adj. confessant n.忏悔者,供认者 confessedly adv.确定无疑的,众所公认地 confesser=confessor n. 忏悔者 |