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单词 人老珠黄

人老珠黄人老珠黄不值钱rén lǎo zhū huáng

in old age,one is like a pearl whose lustre has faded—no longer held in esteem; a person growing old is worthless;one’s value decreases as one grows older;when a woman gets older she loses her looks
❍ 可是,“~不值钱”,岁数大了点,熬不出来,落到这个地步……(《曹禺选集·日出》212) But it’s like pearls: when they get old and tarnished they lose their value. When you get on in years you can’t stand the pace and you end up in a place like this…/她哩,想想自己快三十了,现在虽然正当时,在百乐门也算得是个红舞女,可是~不值钱,需要早点找个对象,老了有个归宿。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—357) As for Ma Lilin,she was now almost thirty years old;and although at present she was in her prime,one of the Paramount’s best-known dance hostesses,she was aware that her value would decrease as she grew older. So it was necessary that she look around for a husband before that time came.


in old age,one is like a pearl which has lost its luster and no longer held in esteem
~不值钱。It’s like pearls:when they get old and tarnished,they lose their value.

人老珠黄rén lǎo zhū huánɡ

人老了就像珍珠变黄一样不值钱了。lose one’s looks, no longer held in esteem; as worthless as an inferior pearl





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:58:10