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单词 dot
dot/dɒt, AmE dɑ:t/ nvt [-tt-]

n (1) 小圆点(small round mark or spot) [C]:a line of~s 一行圆点;mark sth with a~在……上打点作记号;a blue dress with white~s 蓝底白点的衣服;〖同〗mark;

(2) 小圆点;句点;小数点;摩尔斯电码中代表短声的点(small round mark as a symbol in writing mathematics music Morse code (representing a short sound), etc)[C]:a~on the letter i 字母 i上的小点;The message consisted of~s and dashes. 电讯由点和划组成。

(3) 小点;少量(small spot;a small quantity) [C]:The island on the horizon/horse in the distance is just a~. 地平线上的岛/远处的马只是一个小点。a~of butter/milk 一小点黄油/牛奶;

on the dot 准时(infml):arrive/be somewhere at 5 oclock on the~(on the~of 5) 5点准时到某处;

vt (1) 打上点(mark sth with a dot)[T+n]:~an i 在 i上打点; a~ted line 虚线;~one's (the) i's and cross one's (the) t's (infml)一丝不苟地;

(2) 散(密)布于,点缀(cover with or as if with dots)[尤pass T+n T+n+prep]:~a few chairs about 把一些椅子四处摆开;The sky was~ted with stars. 天空布满了星星。The lawn was~ted with daisies.草坪上开满了雏菊花。a field~ted with trees 到处有树的田地;a lake~ted with boats 湖面上的小船星罗棋布;~the page with tiny pictures of flowers 在书页上画满小花;Trees/Farms~ted the landscape. 树木/农场点缀着风景。~sb's skirt with paint 给某人的裙子甩上漆点;a~ted dress/tie 带点点的衣服/领带;〖同〗spot;

(3) 打(hit (sb) sharply) [T+nT+n+prep D+n+n](infml):~sb (one) in the eye/on the nose 一拳打在某人眼睛/鼻子上;Shut up or I'll~you one! 住嘴!否则我就给你一拳!





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