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单词 miss


n. missing,loss,feeling the lost and want ofsomething,feeling of want(因不在而)惦念,损失,失落感,缺憾。
△1H.IV.5.4.105:“O,I should have a heavymiss of thee / If I were much in love with vanity!”啊,如果我真是非常耽于世俗游乐(双关:喜爱轻浮),我该要对你感到沉重的想念(双关:损失)。


1. fail in aiming at,fail to hit未瞄准,未击中。
△1H.VI.1.4.4:“Howe'er unfortunate I missed my aim.”不过不幸的是我没有打中。
2. fail to understand未了解。
△Shr.5.2.18:“You arevery sensible,and yet you miss my sense.”你很敏感,但你并不了解我的意思。
3. fail to find,do not see未找到,未见到。
△Mac.5.7.64 (5.9.1): “I would the friends we miss were safe arrived.”我希望我们未见到的朋友们都平安归来了。
4. feel the want of感到缺少…
△Mac.3.4. 90: “Andto our dear friend Banquo,whom we miss;” 向没有在座的我们亲爱的朋友班柯致敬。
5. not to observe,omit未注意到,忽略。
△H.VIII.5.3.439(438): “A sure and safe one,though thy mastermissed it.”那是一条稳当而安全的道路,虽然你的主人自己错过了它。
~vi. be wanting,be absent,be deficient,prove defec-tive缺少,缺席,不足,有缺点。
△Rom.Pro.14: “Whathere (i.e. in the Prologue) shall miss.”此处(按:指序诗)陈述过简;此处说得含混。


◇hit or miss无论成功
miss a figure算错,铸成大错
miss an opportunity抓住(利用)机会
miss lesson落课
miss on service发球时未打中球
miss one’s aim打不中目标
miss one’s tip失算
miss out省略
miss out on sth.在事业上不成功
miss the base漏踏垒位
miss the basket投篮不中
miss the mark未达到目标,未击中
miss the point文不对题
miss the boat (bus)坐失良机与否
not miss a trick警觉
not miss much警觉
too good to miss很吸引人
‖ miss action(引信)未命中起爆
miss a gate没达到水门
miss-and-out race淘汰赛
miss blow击空
miss distance脱靶距离
miss field落地
miss fire 打不响
miss pass传球失误
miss ratio漏检率
miss record switch防错录开关
missed service发球失误
missed shot漏击,击球失误
missing A-B-and C-parts A、B、C组动作不足
missing baggage (luggage)遗失的行李
missing file search追查档案
missing issue缺期期次
missing part漏做动作
missing plot technique缺区补救技术
missing stay停船失败
missable adj.可能打不进穴的
missing n. 脱靶,未击中adj. 丢失的,失踪的,缺少的





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