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单词 matter


1. material 材料。
△ Tw.3.4.158 (142):“More matterfor a May morning.”五月游戏的材料又来了。
2. business,affair 事务,事情。
△Oth.1.2.38: “What isthe matter,think you?” 什么事,你想?
△Com.4.2.41:“Why,man,what is the matter?” 嘿,到底是怎么回事?
△3H.VI.3.3.258: “Matter of marriage was thecharge he gave me,” 他交给我的任务本来是磋商婚事。
3. content,meaning,substance 内容,意思,实质。
△Mer.3.5. 76 (70): “Defy the matter.” 不顾内容。
△Rom.2.6.30: “more rich in matter than in words,”更丰富的在于内容而不在于言词。
△Ham.2.2.197 (193): “What isthe matter,my lord?”讲的什么事情啊,殿下? (按:“事情”在此意指书里的“内容”,但在下文中哈姆雷特另作解释。)
△Lr.1.2.70 (63): “If the matter were good,my lord,Idurst swear it were his;” 如果内容是好话,我敢发誓说这是他的笔迹。
4. cause,reason 缘故,理由。
△R.III.1.1.51:“Butwhat’s the matter,Clarence,may I know?” 但究竟是什么缘故,克拉仑斯,我可以知道吗?
5. deed,object,business one has to do 行动,目的,要做的事。
△Ham.2.2.511(481):“And,like a neutral to hiswill and matter,/ Did nothing.” i. e.he stood mid-way between intention and performance. 仿佛在意图和实行之间保持了中立,什么也不干。
6. something of importance 重要事情。
△Oth.3.4.138(139): “There’s matter in’t indeed,if he be angry.” 如果他生气了,一定是出了大事。
7. meaning,significance 意思,意义。
△ Tw. 1.5.227(210): “my words are as full of peace as matter.” 我的话里充满了和平,也充满了意义。
△Ado.2.1.345 (330): “Iwas born to speak all mirth and no matter.”我生来爱说笑话,没有什么意义。(又译:我这一张嘴是向来胡说惯了,没有一句正经话。)
△Ham.4.1.1:“There's matter in these sighs,these profound heaves.”你这几声叹息、几声长叹一定有什么意义。
△Ham.4.5. 173(174):“This nothing'smore than matter.”i.e. This nonsense conveys morethan sense would do. 这种胡扯比正经话还有意味。
△H.VIII.1.1.125:“I read in's looks / Matter againstme,”我从他的神态上看出了他对我的敌意。
8. sense,ideas,thought见识,念头,思想。
△As.2.1.67: “I love to cope him in these sullen fits,/ For thenhe's full of matter.”我爱在他发作这种忧郁症的时候见到他,因为这时他最富于见识。
9. good sense,intelligence,wit明智,智力,智慧。
△Ado.1.1.289(279):“I have almost matter enough (i.e.sufficient wit) in me for such an embassage,”我多少还有些头脑来办这件差使。
10. sense,relevancy见识,中肯。
△Lr.4.6.179 (174):“O,matter and impertinency mixed;”啊,正经话和胡话夹杂在一起。
11. point in question 本题。
△Ado.3.5.10 (9):“Goodman Verges,sir,speaks a little off the mat-ter;”i.e. he speaks irrelevantly. 弗吉斯君,先生,说话有些不中肯。
12. subject for conversation话题。
△As.4.1.76 (74):“gravelled for lack of matter,” 因为没话可说停住了。
△As.4.1.78 (76): “and for lovers lacking...mat-ter,” 至于情人们没话说的时候.
△As.4.1.82 (79):“Then she puts you to entreaty,and there begins newmatter.”那么她就使得你向她请求,这样就有新的话题了。
△2H.IV.5.1.86(78): “I will devise matter enoughout of this Shallow to keep Prince Harry in continuallaughter the wearing out of six fashions.”我要从这个夏禄身上制造出足够的谈话资料,使得哈利王子笑个不停,直到六种时尚的结束。
13. subject of contention争论的问题。
△1H.VI.5.4.100: “And here at hand the Dauphin and his train /Approacheth,to confer about some matter.”法国太子和他的随行人员很快就要到来谈判有关问题。
14. cause for a dispute or quarrel争端,事儿。
△Ham.2.2.198 (194): “Between who?” i.e. Matter between
whom?谁跟谁的事情啊? (按:哈姆雷特故意把“事情”理解为“争端”。)
15. subject of complaint or grievance,argument怨诉或委屈的事由,情由。
△2H.IV.1.2.151(132):“I sent for you,when there were matters against you for yourlife,to come speak with me.”我派人找你有话要说,因为你犯有案情足以构成死罪。
△Wiv.1.1.126 (122): “whatmatter have you against me?”你有什么理由要和我作对?
16. something amiss 毛病,问题。
△L.L.L.3.1.125(119): “Till there be more matter in the shin.”等到腿出了问题再说吧。
17. thing or amount begged(乞讨的)东西,数量。
△Tw.3.1.62 (54):“The matter,I hope,is not great,sirbegging but a beggar.”我希望,先生,你不会认为我乞讨的东西太大——我只想乞讨一个乞丐。




n. 事情,事实,实质,问题,原稿,物资,材料,资料,内容,金属版用的雕刻工具
◇a matter of course理所当然的事/a matter of doing取决于某事的情况/ a matter of life and death成败关键/a matter of opinion看法不同的问题
as a matter of course按照常规
as a matter of fact事实上,其实
as a matter of大约,…左右
as matter of house不多于
as matters stand=as the matter stands照目前的情况
be no laughing matter不是开玩笑的事
be no matter to sb.对某人无关紧要
be the matter with sb. (sth.)原因,理由
for that matter至于…,就此而言
in the matter of sth.在…上,就…而论
matter at issue争论点
matter of fact事实问题,事实
matter of life and death极为重要的事
mind over matter精神胜物质
no matter不管,不论
not mince matters直言不讳
take matters into one’s own hands主动处理
take up the matter oneself亲自出面
take up the matter with向…交涉
What does it matter?这有什么关系?
‖ important matter大事
matter of expediency权宜之计
matter-of-fact attitude实事求是的态度
matter of life and death极为重要的事
matter of personal whim个人好恶问题
matters arising续议事项,前议事项,上次会议记录所提事项
matters of course理所当然的事情
matters of fact事实
matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood关系国计民生的大事
matter-of-course adj. 当然的,意料中的matter-of-fact adj.实际的,平凡的
mattery adj. 内容丰富的,重要的





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