尘(塵)chén❶ (尘土) dust;dirt: 除 ~ 器 dust remover; 一 ~ 不染 not stained with a particle of dust;spotless ❷ (尘世) this world: ~ 俗 this mortal world ❸ [书] (踪迹) trace;tracks: 步人后 ~ follow in other people's footsteps;trail along behind others ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 铎 Chen Duo ◆尘埃 dirt;dust; 尘暴 {气} dust bowl;dust devil;dust storm; 尘肺 {医} pneumoconiosis;pneumonoconiosis; 尘封 [- fēnɡ dust seal;covered with dust;dust-laden; 尘垢 dust and dirt;dirt; 尘寰 this world;this mortal life; 尘芥 [书] rubbish;garbage;refuse; 尘世 {宗} this world;this mortal life; 尘土 dust; 尘土飞扬 The dust was blowing.;A huge cloud of dust rose.;Dust swirls in the air.;The dust is rising in clouds.; 尘嚣 hubbub;uproar |