释义 |
marryvt. 1. give in marriage 把…嫁出去。 △3H.VI.3.2.111:“You’ld think it strange if I should marry her.”如果我要把她嫁出去,你们会觉得奇怪。 2.i.e.marry by proxy (指)代为迎娶。 △2H.VI.1.1.3:“As Procurator to your Excellence,/ To marry Prin-cess Margaret for your Grace;”作为陛下的代表,去为陛下迎娶玛格利特公主。 3. (fig.) unite intimately,join closely (比喻用法)亲密联合,密切结合。 △H.VIII.1.1.14:“Men might say / Tillthis time pomp was single,but now married / To oneabove itself,”i. e. Each king’s pomp was single butnow two king’s pomps are united to form a pompgreater than either king’s pomp before. 人们可以说,在此以前,豪华只是单独存在,但是如今两位国王的豪华结合在一起了。
marryinterj. (an oath) By the Virgin Mary; indeed,to be sure (原为誓语)以圣母马利亚起誓;(转义)的确,真是的。 △Rom.1.3.63: “Marry,that ‘marry’ (i.e. mar-riage) is the very theme / I came to talk of.” 是呀,我来正是要谈这“结婚”的问题。 △Gent.1.1.131 (123):“ Mar-ry,sir,the letter,very orderly,”千真万确,先生,我把你的信规规矩矩送到了。 △ Com.2.2.52 (51): “Marry,sir,for this something that you gave me for nothing.”真是的,先生,无缘无故地您给了我这么一顿。 △ Shr.Ind.2.103(101):“Marry,I fare well,” 不错,我过得很好。 Phrases: marry and amen: indeed and amen! 的的确确,阿门! △ 1H.IV.2.4.129(114): “A plague of all cowards,Isay,and a vengeance too! Marry and amen !但愿一切懦夫们都遭瘟,而且都遭上天报应! 的的确确,阿门! marry,and shall: ❶i.e.indeed I will的确,我正要如此。 △3H.VI.5.5.42:“Marry,and shall.”的确,我正要杀你。 ❷i.e. indeed he will他一定会。 △2H.VI.1.2.88: “Marry,and shall. But how now,Sir JohnHume?” 他一定会的。但是,约翰·休姆师傅,现在又该如何? marry trap: “By Mary,you are caught!”— an excla-mation in a children's game; caught in one's own stratagem“圣母在上,你可被抓住了!”(儿童游戏用语);自投罗网。 △Wiv.1.1.172 (167):“I will say ‘marry trap’with you,”我要对你说“自讨苦吃”。
marryyou. 你愿意也好,不愿意也好,反正我要和你结婚。 marry[ˈmæri]v.结婚,出嫁,连接,匹配,组合,配对 ◇be married to sth.热爱…,献身于…/marry into sth. 因结婚而成为某家的成员 marry sb. off把女儿嫁出去 marry (sth.) with sth.(某物)与另一事物相结合 marry up配合,匹配,结合 ‖ married (departmental) accommodation已婚人员宿舍 married couple伉俪 married officer已婚公务员 married population已婚人口 married put 配对购买 marriage[ˈmæridӠ]n.结婚,婚姻 (礼),密切结合 ◇ give sb. in marriage to sb.把某人嫁出去 make an offer of marriage求婚 take sb. in marriage娶某人,嫁给某人 marriage adjustment婚姻适应 marriage advertisement征婚广告 marriage after divorce再婚 marriage agent婚姻介绍所marriage and family婚姻家庭 marriage articles婚姻契约 marriage boom结婚高峰 marriage bureau婚姻介绍所 marriage by capture抢婚 marriage by certificate领证婚姻 marriage by exchange交换婚 marriage by proxy替代婚 marriage by purchase买卖婚姻 marriage by service劳役婚 marriage ceremony结婚仪式,婚礼 marriage certificate结婚证书 marriage contract(婚前预定财产权、继承权等的)结婚契约,婚姻合同 marriage counseling婚姻咨询 marriage counsellor婚姻咨询者 marriage custom婚姻习俗 marriage gradient婚姻倾斜度 marriage guidance婚姻指导 marriage guidance counsellor婚姻辅导顾问 marriage guide婚姻指导 marriage introduction center婚姻介绍所 marriage law婚姻法 marriage leave婚假 marriage licence结婚许可证 marriage lines结婚证书 marriage market婚姻市场 marriage matcher( broker)媒人 marriage of close relatives近亲结婚 marriage of convenience权宜婚姻 marriage of property基于财产的婚姻,“门当户对”的婚姻 marriage order结婚次序 marriage portion嫁妆 marriage probability结婚概率 marriage projection结婚人数推算 marriage rate结婚率 marriage register结婚登记 marriage rite (ritual)结婚仪式 marriage settlement婚姻财产契约 marriage statistics结婚统计 Marriage that Awakens the World 《醒世姻缘传》 /marriage ties结婚关系 marriage with one or both partners in military service军婚 open marriage开放婚姻 out marriage外婚 marriages and funerals红白喜事 marriageability n.结婚适龄 marriageable adj.达到结婚年龄的,(年龄)适宜结婚的 marriageable age结婚年龄 married[ˈmærid]adj.结婚的,已婚的,夫妇的n. (pl.)已婚的人 marrier n.结婚的人 |