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单词 半吞半吐

半吞半吐bàn tūn bàn tǔ

by some broad hints;hesitantly; half concealed and half told; hum and haw; in a vague manner; mince (one’s words); partly conceal and partly confess; reluctantly; speak a word,swallow the next word;speak with a lisp;speak with reservation; talk in an ambiguous way
❍ 季昌志仍是把两只眼睛朝着地板,~地答复道: …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—18) Still looking at the floor,Changzhi said hesitantly.
❍ 季小村~,没说出王云鹤自愿出钱的话。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —227) Ji Xiaocun answered the question in an equally vague manner,not mentioning Wang Yunhe’s proposition at all.
❍ 心里想道:“宝玉近来说话,~,忽冷忽热,也不知他是什么意思。” (《红楼梦》1167) “Nowadays Baoyu talks in such an ambiguo us way,blowing hot and cold by turns,I can’t tell what he means,”she thought.
❍ 蔡大辅微笑一下, ~地答复他。 (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—159) Cai Dafu answered vaguely with a smile.

半吞半吐bàn tūn bàn tǔ

说话有顾忌,含含糊糊,不明确。tell only half of it, mine matters, hesitantly, hum and how





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