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majestyn. 1. dignity of aspect and manner,grandeur (外貌与仪态的)尊严,庄严。 △1H.VI.5.3.70: “Ay,beauty's prince-ly majesty is such,” 嗳,美貌就具有这么一种高贵的尊严。 2. dignity or grace in manner 仪态的尊严或优美。 △R.III.1.1.16: “I,that am rudely stamped,andwant love's majesty / To strut before a wanton amb-ling nymph;”我,天生一副粗陋形象,缺乏爱神的优美风度,无法在一位风骚的、扭扭捏捏走路的仙女面前昂首阔步。 3. kingly dignity 国王的尊严。 △2H.IV.5.2. 44: “Thisnew and gorgeous garment,majesty,/ Sits not so easyon me as you think.”国王的尊号这一件富丽堂皇的新衣,穿在我身上并不像你们想的那样舒服。 4. office of a king,kingly duties 国王的职责,国王的职务。 △H.V.1.2.197: “Who,busied in his majesty,surveys / The singing masons building roofs of gold,”i.e.humming builders making cells inside the hive. 而蜂王呢,也在忙着他的国家大政,监督那些嗡嗡叫的泥瓦匠修筑金色的屋顶。 5. kingly state or style 国王气派。 △Lr.1.1.133 (131):“and all the large effects /That troop with majesty,”和伴随着君王气派的一切辉煌的尊荣。 6. king 国王。 △Ham. 3.3.15: “The cess of majesty”,i.e. the death of a king. 一位君王的薨逝。 7. title given to kings and queen (对国王、王后、女王的称呼)陛下。 △Ham.1.1.48: “the majesty of buried Den-mark”,已故的丹麦国王陛下。 8. sovereignty,royalty 最高权威,王权。 seat of majesty: i.e.throne 国王的宝座。 △R.III.3.7.166 (167): “The royal tree hath left us royal fruit,/Which,mellowed by the stealing hours of time,/ Willwell become the seat of majesty,”皇家的树已经留下了皇家的果,它在时光的悄悄流逝中渐渐成熟,总有一天会适合登上国王的宝座。 majesty[ˈmædӠisti]n.雄伟,庄严,崇高,君权(主)(M-)陛下,尊严,威严 ‖ Her majesty the Queen女王陛下 His Majesty the King国王陛下 Your Majesty陛下 majestic (al) adj.威严的,雄伟的,壮丽的 majestic march雄壮进行曲 majestially adv. |