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单词 出人头地

出人头地chū rén tóu dì

a man of note; bear(/carry off)the palm; be honoured (/distin guished) among a group; be superior to the ordinary people; come to the fore (/front); cut a conspicuous figure; be distinguished above others; distinguish oneself in; get out of the ruck; make one’s mark;over the heads of others; place (/put) oneself on(/upon) record; rise head and shoulders above others; stand above others; stand out among others(/one’s fellows); superior to everybody else
❍ 卷尾的总批:“全篇笔调,有如游龙活虎,天马行空,定必~。”(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—57) He remarked at its end: “The style of the whole work seems as free and lively as an agile dragon swimming in the sea or a heavenly horse flying in the air. Such a style alone promises the writer a distinguished future.”/……他们力求和资产阶级妥协,极爱巴结有权有势的人物,喜欢“~”。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》60) …with its propensity for compromise with the bourgeoisie,its predominant inclination to adapt itself to the powers that be,and its anxiety to “get on in life”.


become outstanding;get well ahead of others

出人头地chū rén tóu dì

比喻高人一等。stand out among one’s fellows, make one’s mark, bear the palm, come to the fore, get out of the rack, distinguish oneself in





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