释义 |
maidenheadn. 1.state or quality of being a maiden,maidenhood.virginity,chastity 处女身,处女时期,童贞,贞洁。 △Tw.1.5.232 (215): “What I am,and what I would,are as secret as maidenhead.”我是什么人,我要做什么,就像贞操一样秘密。 △Rom.1.1.29 (25):“Ay,the heads of themaids,or their maidenheads,take it in what sense thou wilt. ”对,处女的头,或处女的身,随便你怎样解释。 △Rom.1.3.2: “Now,by my maidenhead at twelveyear old,”我指着我十二岁时的童贞来发誓。 △Rom.3.2.136: “I'll to my wedding-bed,/ And death,not Rome-o,take my maidenhead !” 我要去睡上我的婚床,把我的童贞,不是献给罗米欧,而是献给死亡! △ 2H. VI.4.7.129(121):“There shall not a maid be married,but she shall pay to me her maidenhead ere they have it.”任何少女休想嫁人,除非她把她的处女贞操先献给我,然后别的男人才能享有。 △H.VIII.2.3.23: “By my troth andmaidenhead,/ I would not be a queen.”我以我的信仰和童贞起誓,我不愿意做王后。 2. ( abstract for concrete) virgin,maid 处女,少女。 △ 1H.IV.2.4.401 (361): “if there come a hot Juneand this civil buffeting hold,we shall buy maiden-heads as they buy hobnails,by the hundreds.” 要是来一个炎热的夏天,而且这场内战还继续下去的话,我们就可以像人家买马蹄钉一样成百地买大闺女。 3. untried state,early stage,beginning 无经验状态,最初阶段,开始。 △1H.IV.4.1.57: “A rendezvous,a hometo fly unto,/ If that the devil and mischance lookbig / Upon the maidenhead of our affairs.” 要是我们的事情一开始就受到魔鬼和恶运的威胁,总还有一个退身处,一个可以逃避的巢穴。 Maidenhead梅登黑德英国东南部伯克郡城镇。位于泰晤士河畔。划船游乐中心。游览胜地。有电器设备制造业。人口:49 038(1981)。 |