单词 | course |
释义 | course1 /kas; kors/ n 1 [U] forward movement in space or time: (空间或时间的) 前进; 进行: the ~ of life from the cradle to the grave; 人生自摇篮至墓穴的旅程; 从出生到死亡的人生旅程; a river in its ~ to the sea; 流向大海的河; the ~ of events. 世事的发展。 of, in process of: 在…过程中: The railway is in ~ of construction, being built. 铁路正在修筑中。 in due ~, in the natural order; at the normal time: 照自然的顺序; 到适当的时候: Sow the seed now and in due ~ you will have the flowers. 现在就播种, 到时候你就会有花。 I” the ~ of, during: L→M间: in the ~ of the discussion; 在讨尊期间; M the ~ of conversation, while we were talking; 在谈话中; in the ~ of centuries, as the centuries pass. 盒遍数百年的期间。 in the (ordinary) ~ of nature/ events/things, normally; as part of the normal or expected sequence of events, 照正常的情形; 依自然发展的常理。 in (the) ~ of time, at length; finally; when (enough) time has passed. 终于; 鼓后; 总音一天。 2 [C] direction taken by sth; line along which sth moves; line of action: (某事物的) 进行方向; 所经之路; 行动方针: a map that shows the ~s of the chief rivers; 示明主要河流所经过之区域的地图; (liter) (殳) the stars in their 沿着轨道运行的星辰。 Our ~ was due north. 我们的路线是向正北。 The ~ of the argument suddenly changed, went in a different direction, 辩论的方向忽然改喾了。 What are the ~ open to us, the ways in which we may proceed to act? 坡们有些什意路可走 (即有些什么办法可以采取)? He took to evil ~s, formed bad ways of living. 他自甘堕落 (耽于放荡的生活) 。 run/take its ~, develop as is normal; proceed to the usual end: 听其自然发展; 进行到通常的结局为止: The disease must run its ~. 这病一定要完全发作过后才会好。 The law must take its ~, the lawyers cannot save you from punishment. 法律必循其道 (律师也无法救你使你免于受罚) 。 can do nothing except let matters run/take their ~. 我们除了一切听其自然之外别无办法, (as) a matter of ~, (in) a way that one would expect to be or happen, for which no effort is needed: 当然之事; 自然之事 (如所预料必然发生而不需费力的事): You needn't ask him to come; he'll come as a matter of ~. 你不需要请求他来; 他自然会来。 Some people take my help as a matter of ~, expect to get it without asking for it (or even thanking me for it). 有些人把我对他们的帮助视为当然之事 (认为他们不必要求我也应该帮助他们, 甚至连谢也不谢) 。 of ~, naturally; certainly: 自然; 当然: 'Do you study hard?' 'Of ~ I do'. 用功读书吗? '' 我当然用功。' on/off ~,in the right/wrong direction: 在正确 (不正确) 方向: ship was blown off ~. 我们的船被 (风) 吹离航道。 3 [C] ground for golf: 高尔夫球场: a 'golf- ~; 高尔夫球场; place for horse-races: 跑马场 a 'race- ~. 跑马场。 stay the ~, (lit, fig) continue going until the end; not give up. (字面,喻) 继续进行至结局为止; 贯彻到底; 不放弃。 4 [C] series of talks, treatments, etc: (谈话、治疗等的) 一连串; 连续: a ~ of lectures/study/instruction; 连续的讲演 (一门课程; 一门敎程) 、 a ~ of X-ray treat-ment/pills; 连续的 X 光治疗 (药丸治疗); the highschool ~. 中学学程。 5 [C] continuous layer of brick, stone, etc in a wall: (U壁中砖、石等之盒绩的) 层: a,damp ~, layer of slate or other material to prevent damp rising from the ground. (由一层石板或其他材料砌成以防止地上潮气上升的) 防湿层。 6 [C] one of the several parts of a meal, eg soup, fish, dessert: 一道菜或点心: a dinner of five ~ s/a five- ~ dinner; 五道菜的正餐; the main ~. 主菜。 7 (naut) sail fastened to the lowest yard of a mast. (航海) 大横帆 (系于最低帆桁者) 。 |
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