释义 |
怅然若失怅然自失chàng rán ruò shībecome lost in a deep reverie; feel lost; be miserably disap pointed ❍ 忠泣诉父名。主人~。(《聊斋志异·牛成章》927)With tears in his eyes Zhong addressed him by his father's name,and then the pawnbroker became lost in a deep reverie, …/王看竟,既不笑,亦不言好恶,但以如意帖之而已。殷怅然自失。(刘义庆《世说新语·雅量》)Wang read to the end without laughing once nor did he say whether he liked it or disliked it. He merely tapped it with his baton,and nothing more. Yin was miserably disappointed. 怅然若失chànɡ rán ruò shī比喻神志迷乱的样子。feel lost, seem to be lost, be miserably disappointed |