luggagen. 1. baggage行李,(军队的)辎重。 △H.V.4.4.80 (74):“Imust stay with the lackeys with the luggage of ourcamp.”我必须留在营里跟仆役们一起看守行李(又译:辎重)。 2.i.e. lackeys left to guard the luggage行李,(转义)看守行李的仆役。 △H.V.4.7.1:“Kill the poys and the lug-gage!”杀死了男孩子和看守行李的仆人! luggage[ˈlʌgidӠ]n.行李,皮箱,道具,红褐色 ◇check one’s luggage寄存行李 ‖accompanying luggage随身行李 luggage accommodation行李舱 luggage carrier载物架 luggage check (ticket)行李票 luggage compartment行李舱 luggage elevator行李升降机 luggage insurance行李保险 luggage label行李标签 luggage list行李清单 luggage rack行李架 luggage van行李车 personal luggage随身行李 |