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单词 无关紧要

无关紧要不关紧要wú guān jǐn yào

count for little; immaterial (ly); inconsequent (ial);inessential;insignificant;knee-high to a duck (/grasshopper/mosquito); matter little; not matter a farthing (/a hoot/two hoots/a rap/a sixpence/a straw); nothing serious; of no account (/con sideration/consequence/importance); of no (/little) significance; peddling; trifling; unimportant
❍ 夜间,我们又谈了些闲天,都是~的话;……(《鲁迅选集》上—48) That night we talked again,but not of anything serious;…/至于宣告于亲戚朋友,结合于亲戚朋友的监证之下,却是~的,不必须的。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》239) As for making an announcement to one’s re latives and friends,and being united under their supervision,these things were unimportant and un necessary.
❍ 况且苗总兵已死于狱中,抑且万里保举中书的知照已到院,此事也不关紧要。(《儒林外史》584) By this time,moreover,Brigade General Miao had died in gaol,and the announcement of Wan’s appointment to the Patent Office had arrived. Wan’s office was not a great one in any case.


of no importance;inessential;immaterial
处理一些~的事deal with some unimportant(or trifle)matters/讲一些~的话make some inconsequential remarks/~的事物irrelevance

无关紧要wú ɡuān jǐn yào

形容事情不重要,不会影响大局。of no importance, two cents, no matter





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